
IGN Says Capcom's "New Content" For Resident Evil 5 Is Already On The Disc

IGN Says Capcom's "New Content" For Resident Evil 5 Is Already On The Disc

Update: Several commenters have pointed out that the size of the download seems to indicate that your $5 gets you new code, not just an unlock key. The original post is below.

VISA Won't Replace Dusty PS3 After All

VISA Won't Replace Dusty PS3 After All

Remember that guy with the PS3 Sony said was too dusty to repair? The saga continues.

How To Cancel An Order You've Placed On

How To Cancel An Order You've Placed On

As we noted in this earlier post, it’s technically not possible to cancel an order after you’ve placed it on Wal-Mart’s website. A helpful reader says there are a couple of ways around this, although neither option will immediately free up any hold on your funds. Holds $550 Hostage For PS3 Bundle It Won't Ship Holds $550 Hostage For PS3 Bundle It Won't Ship

Consumerist reader The Unicorn has $550 tied up in some strange Wal-Mart purgatory for a PlayStation 3 bundle that they won’t ship to her, even though it clearly states in their online terms that they won’t charge you for your order until it’s shipped. Her customer service queries are being met with content-free scripted CSR-bot responses. She writes, “Here’s the thing: don’t ever buy anything from Walmart, ever. I knew this, and ignored it, and now I’m paying the price.”

Best Buy Agrees To Hand Over $100 Gift Card That Manager Denied

Best Buy Agrees To Hand Over $100 Gift Card That Manager Denied

A few days ago we reported that Cliff didn’t receive a $100 gift card when he purchased a PS3 bundle from Best Buy, despite an unpublicized corporate memo that seemed to say otherwise. The manager at Cliff’s Best Buy said “You can buy any other PlayStation and you can get the gift card, but not on that one.” This didn’t match up with what others were reporting, so Cliff sent an email blast to the executive level asking why the offer wasn’t honored. Yesterday a Best Buy rep called Cliff and said that they’d be mailing him a $100 gift card. We’re impressed the Best Buy resolved this so quickly.

Best Buy Responds (Partially) To $100 Gift Card Story

Best Buy Responds (Partially) To $100 Gift Card Story

When Cliff sent us his story about the denied $100 gift card from Best Buy, he also sent it to over a dozen addresses at Best Buy HQ. A few hours ago we got this email cc’ed to us from a VP of Executive Customer Care:

Best Buy Ignores Internal Memo, Doesn't Honor $100 Gift Card Promo On Metal Gear Solid Bundle

Best Buy Ignores Internal Memo, Doesn't Honor $100 Gift Card Promo On Metal Gear Solid Bundle

According to this conversation over at the SlickDeals forum, Wal-Mart was offering a $100 gift card with any Blu-ray player purchase, including the PS3—and Best Buy Corporate issued a memo saying they would match Wal-Mart’s deal and offer $100 gift cards as well. Cliff tried to take advantage of this unadvertised special when he purchased a Metal Gear Solid PS3 bundle a couple of days ago, but the manager of the store refused, saying the bundle was off-limits: “You can buy any other Playstation and you can get the gift card, but not on that one.” Oddly, though, other members of SlickDeals were reporting success with the very same bundle around the country.

Best Buy Sells Broken PS3 With Mismatched Serial Numbers, Denies Return

Best Buy Sells Broken PS3 With Mismatched Serial Numbers, Denies Return

So, I take in my broken PS3 to Best Buy today, to replace it of course, and they refused to because the serial number on the console is different from that of the box. They accuse me of trying to trade back a different PS3 than the one I bought (I guess there are idiots that do that), in order to get out of paying to have it replaced. This, of course, is total crap because I bought this EXACT PS3 the night before.

Newegg Doesn't Deliver PS3 With Spiderman 3, Blames Sony

Newegg Doesn't Deliver PS3 With Spiderman 3, Blames Sony

Okay, everyone together in Moe Szyslak’s voice: con_tinymoewhaaaaa.jpg “Whaaaaa?” We’re just as confused as you are. Newegg, which has one of the most stellar reputations of any retailer, online or b&m, apparently sent a customer a regular PS3 box instead of one with a Blu-ray copy of “Spiderman 3.” Here’s where it gets all evil alternate universe: when the customer called to complain, the CSR told him it wasn’t Newegg’s problem and for him to talk to Sony.
Update-3/7/08: Newegg contacted the OP and resolved the issue—see the OP’s comment below.

Is It Legal To Use Out Of Date List Prices For Comparison On Sales?

Is It Legal To Use Out Of Date List Prices For Comparison On Sales?

Last week we pointed out how Apple artificially inflates the discount of its refurbished units by using the original introductory list price as a comparison, even if the price has since dropped and the true list price is now lower. Now a reader writes in to say he caught Toys R Us doing the same thing on sale prices of Playstation 3 bundles and 30 gig Zunes. Our question: is this legal? New York City’s consumer protection law seems to imply that—at least for retailers doing business in NYC—it’s not, unless you clearly indicate the trail of price reductions, something neither company is doing.

What Should I Do About A Lost Receipt?

What Should I Do About A Lost Receipt?

I bought a Playstation 3 last November, wooed by the thought of 5 free Blu Ray movies. However, last night when I went to fill out the rebate form, I found my wife had thrown away the sales receipt! Doh! I purchased this from Shop Ko using a credit card, but Shop Ko has told me they cannot look up or reprint my receipt.

GameStop Will Not Accept Defective PS3 Exchange Because Of Serial Number Mistake

GameStop Will Not Accept Defective PS3 Exchange Because Of Serial Number Mistake

Reader Ben’s receipt doesn’t match the serial number on his defective PS3, so GameStop and Sony are refusing to repair or exchange it.

EB Games Sells You A Phone Book In A PS3 Box For The Low, Low Price Of $500

EB Games Sells You A Phone Book In A PS3 Box For The Low, Low Price Of $500

13-year-old Brandon Burns thought he’d received a Playstation 3 for Christmas. Sadly for Brandon, the box contained a local phone book and not a PS3. He wasn’t upset, just amused. His reaction:

Confessions Of A Wii, PS3, iPhone Reseller

Confessions Of A Wii, PS3, iPhone Reseller

I saw your article on the Wii shortage and in the spirit of the holiday I want to come clean and confess my consumer sins. I am a reseller.

Dusty PS3: Carey Greenberg-Berger On Fox Business

PREVIOUSLY: Is This Playstation 3 Too Dusty To Be Repaired Under Warranty?


Carey will be on the FOX Business Network, discussing our reader’s fabled dusty PS3, this Friday morning at 7:45 AM.

Is This Playstation 3 Too Dusty To Be Repaired Under Warranty?

Is This Playstation 3 Too Dusty To Be Repaired Under Warranty?

We now have pictures of the Playstation 3 that Sony refused to repair under warranty because the unit was too dusty.


FOX Business Network picks up our Sony PS3 “excessive dust voids your warranty” story [FOX Business Network]