Citing more than 100 reports — most of them since 2012 — of hypersensitivity to common acne medications like Proactiv, Neutrogena, Oxy, Aveeno, Clean & Clear and others, the FDA has issued a warning to consumers that these products can cause “rare but serious and potentially life-threatening allergic reactions or severe irritation.” [More]

Proactiv Has My Box Of Skin Cream, Sends Collections After Me Anyway
Eric wanted to give the Proactiv system of skin creams a try. Well, that shouldn’t be so hard: they’re advertised everywhere and apparently very popular. The flaw was that the package didn’t have his office number on it. UPS didn’t know that they could just send it to the mailroom, and instead they dispatched it back to Proactiv. Now the box is allegedly hanging out somewhere on the company’s loading dock, and they’ve sent collections after Eric to pay for the box of creams that he never received. [More]

Proactiv Saleswoman Goes Insane When You Try To Return The Product
Amanda just had a frightening experience with the woman at the Proactiv kiosk in her hometown of Hattiesburg, Mississippi: “[Mall security] told me to come over and get away from her because she would not stop yelling, and refusing to do anything until I was out of her sight.” [Update: we’ve received more information on who to contact to resolve this issue. Check out the bottom of the post for details.]

Proactiv Is A Subscription And You Will Be Charged Bi-Monthly
By ordering now, you will receive a one month supply of our 3-piece club package. After 30 days, you’ll receive our regular 2 month supply of Proactiv every 60 days at the guaranteed low price of just $39.95 plus $5.95 s&h per shipment, which will automatically be billed to the same credit card you provide today.
If you don’t cancel you’ll be responsible for the shipping, so make sure you pay attention to what you are agreeing to. This goes for all infomercial-type products.—MEGHANN MARCO