
2 Young Scalawags Charged in Veteran Data Theft

2 Young Scalawags Charged in Veteran Data Theft

Nineteen-year-old Jesus Alex Pineda 19, and Christian Brian Montano were charged Saturday in the left of a laptop containing 26.5 million veteran’s records.

Portait of AOL Search as a Young, Strange, Man

Portait of AOL Search as a Young, Strange, Man

This research paper, authored by the same people listed as authors in the AOL data’s README, reveals what AOL had hoped for people to do with the data.

Why Might AOL’s Data Release Be A Big, Big Problem?

Why Might AOL’s Data Release Be A Big, Big Problem?

TechCrunch thinks there could be privacy breaches as people look up personal info which can then be correlated to their other searches.

AOL User 927 Illuminated

AOL User 927 Illuminated

Aroused by the thought of juicy big piles of AOL user search data? Consumerist does the wading for you and finds a delightful little item, AOL User 927.

AOL Releases 500,000+ User Search Records

AOL Releases 500,000+ User Search Records

Internets are aflame overAOL ‘s publication of the search queries for 650,000+ users . This means that it shows what you typed into the AOL search engine, be it “hardball” or “hardcore.”

Phone Record Lawsuit Over NSA Spying Dismissed

Phone Record Lawsuit Over NSA Spying Dismissed

A judge Tuesday tossed out an ACLU lawsuit against the government over over AT&T’s alleged turning over of phone records to the NSA.

Innocent Citizens Placed On Terrorist Watch Lists To Meet Federal Air Marshall Quotas

Innocent Citizens Placed On Terrorist Watch Lists To Meet Federal Air Marshall Quotas

Federal air marshals are being encouraged to use “creative writing” when they file surveillance reports, landing law-abiding citizens on terror watch lists.

Dell Keylogs As We Blanche

Dell Keylogs As We Blanche


Stolen Veteran Affairs Laptop Recovered

Stolen Veteran Affairs Laptop Recovered

After much hand and flag-wringing, a laptop containing millions of veteran’s personal data has been recovered. A preliminary analysis by police reveals that the sensitive information was not accessed during the theft.

ID Theft Much Cheaper Than Thought?

ID Theft Much Cheaper Than Thought?

One number bandied with reckless abandon is $48 billion dollars, supposedly the total lost to identity theft. That’s lot of money.

If The Times Is Treason, We’re Heresy

If The Times Is Treason, We’re Heresy

The New York Times might be a left-wing propaganda machine hell-bent on sowing villainy and communism amongst the American populace, but treasonous? Well, that’s what the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee says, and he wants to see The Old Gray Lady hang for its crimes against The State.

Mass Trolling of Banks Records Unavoidable

Mass Trolling of Banks Records Unavoidable

Vice President Dick Cheney fired a stern rebuke on Friday to journalists after the disclosure of a secret program that combed a massive array of international banking transactions searching for terrorist ties, reports NYT.

AT&T Owns Your Booty

AT&T Owns Your Booty

In a followup to “AT&T: All Your Phone Are Belong to Us“, the SF Gate interviewed some privacy wonks who say:

US Trolled Bank Records

US Trolled Bank Records

According to an article published yesterday in the NYT, the government secretly reviewed bank transaction data following 9/11 in order to trace ties to terrorist organizations. In the pursuit of quick results, however, some concerns for jurisprudence may have been cast aside as ballast. Reports Times:

AT&T: All Your Phone Are Belong to Us

AT&T: All Your Phone Are Belong to Us

If you’re an AT&T customer, you have until this Friday to switch.

The News; Clunkers & Claptrap

The News; Clunkers & Claptrap

• Now your Vonage bill will come with a boonies subsidy fee, just like grownup telcos. [NYT] “Net Phone Service Providers Are Told to Pay Subsidy Fee”

What, Me Warrant?

What, Me Warrant?

The AP reports that federal and local law enforcement agencies routinely circumvent warrants and acquire citizens’ phone records from private information collectors, often for free.

Verizon Wants to Chat About -$1000 Bill

Verizon Wants to Chat About -$1000 Bill

Back in mid-may, we decided that the best way to protest the phone companies selling our records to the NSA was to send our cell phone company a bill for $1000. What we did is take our Verizon bill, deduct $1000 from it, and enclose a copy of 18 USC 2701 with relevant secitons highlighted. Specifically, those parts saying that if anyone gives up your phone records, they can get fined $1000. Obviously, this is in jest. But Verizon’s taking it seriously enough to want to schedule a conference call with us.