Is there any everyday item that wouldn’t benefit from adding some electronic components and Bluetooth connectivity? Of course not! That’s why you can now buy, in actual stores, a pregnancy test with Bluetooth connectivity. This is apparently because Millennial women are in their peak child-having years, and are incapable of sitting for three minutes without syncing our smartphones to something. [More]
pregnancy tests

You’re Having A Baby! Or At Least, The Woman Who Sold Her Pregnancy Test On Craigslist Is
Need to play a hilarious (read: Maybe not actually funny) joke on your significant other? Want to freak out that guy who dumped you via Twitter? Or maybe you’re trying to find a cash-friendly way to recycle your positive pregnancy test. There’s apparently a flourishing online market for those little sticks saying you’re about to become a parent, which is either chuckle-worthy or really troubling. [More]

It Is Our Journalistic Duty To Ask You If People Are Seriously Peeing On Stolen Pregnancy Tests Right There In The Aisle
We came across something today on the ever-surprising Internets that has our brains doing whatnows and ohnotheydidnts all over the place, and we need your help to get a handle on the situation. Specifically — ahem — are people really stealing pregnancy tests and peeing on them right there in the aisle? [More]