They say sharing is caring, and that’s apparently continues to be true when it comes to login information for streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, HBO Now, and other services. In fact, a new report suggests that more than one-fifth of young adults borrow passwords to watch their favorite shows on the services. [More]

What Should I Do With This $2000 Defective Sears Mower?
Reader Edgar wants to know what we think he should do with the defective riding lawn mower he bought from Sears. [More]

Should "Legal Pot" Be Made Illegal?
For several years, it’s been completely legal for just about anyone in the U.S. to get their hands on K2, a so-called “herbal incense” which also happens to be sprayed with cannabinoids, meaning you should get a similar experience from smoking K2 as you would marijuana. However, it’s recently been banned in Kansas and the state of Illinois is looking into the legality of K2. [More]

Walmart Clinic Spotted In The Wild
Reader Charles spotted this clinic in his local Walmart in Georgia. He says the local hospital has partnered with the store to offer services right next to the vision center. He sent a snapshot of the prices. It’s strange to see a menu board listing illnesses. Is this a good thing?

Should GM Cut Back On Advertising During Bankruptcy? They Don't Think So
Up until its recent plunge into bankruptcy, GM had been our nation’s second-largest advertiser — behind only Procter & Gamble. The company spent $2 billion dollars annually for the past few years — and though they’ve recently cut back and fallen into third place behind Verizon, the company apparently plans to continue to spend their pre-bankruptcy budget of $40-50 million a month on ads.

Comcast Slams The NFL For Pulling Their Football Channel
On May 1st, the NFL is pulling its cable channel from Comcast’s cable line-up over a dispute about the cable company’s sports tier. As the deadline looms larger and larger, the company is taking their case to the people. David L. Cohen, an executive vice president of Comcast Corp, wrote the following opinion piece for the Philadelphia Inquirer.

It's Official: Newspapers Are Dying
Next week, the 146-year-old Seattle Post-Intelligencer will probably stop publishing, following the Rocky Mountain News into oblivion. After its demise, the Tucson Citizen will probably be the next to go.

Starbucks Breakfast Value Meals Begin Today
Yes, today is the day. Starbucks will begin servings its new line of “breakfast pairings” (don’t call them value meals!). For $3.95 you shall receive coffee and an egg sandwich, oatmeal or coffee cake. It’s all part of Starbucks’ latest effort to rid themselves of the perception that they are overpriced — which is probably going to be kinda difficult.

Your Piggy Bank Is Happy: Savings Rate At 14-Year High
Americans took their cost of living raises and stuck them in their piggy banks, says the Commerce Department, pushing the savings rate to a 14-year high. Not long ago we had a savings rate of 0.1% — now it has skyrocketed to 5%.

Is Target Too Expensive? Profit Down 41%
Consumers are cutting back — and the AP says that shoppers are abandoning Target for even cheaper stores. In addition, Target’s credit card division is running into trouble as shell-shocked shoppers aren’t able to pay their bills.

Who are the 25 People Most Responsible For the Financial Crisis?
Time wants to know who you think is most to blame for the current financial fiasco. They have a neat community polling application that lets you rate people by their guilt or innocence. Currently at number one: Phil Gramm, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee from 1995 through 2000. Congratulations, Phil! Or, not.

Should Citibank Pay $400 Million To Name A Stadium While Taking Taxpayer Money?
The New York Mets are getting a new stadium. It’ll be called Citi Field and that honor cost Citibank (and by extension, one could argue, taxpayers) $400 million.

Will You Pay $12.95 For WiFi On United Airlines?
United Airlines has announced that passengers on flights from New York City to Los Angeles and San Francisco will soon have access to WiFi… for $12.95.

Walmart CEO Thinks Consumers Have Finally Learned That Debt Is Bad
Retailers are hoping that the credit crunch ends and consumers will start spending like crazy again — but Walmart’s CEO Lee Scott doesn’t think that’s going to happen.

POLL: GM Sorry It Disappointed You, Do You Forgive Them?
General Motors took out an advertisement apologizing for “disappointing” consumers on Monday, asking your forgiveness for years of incompetance. Do you forgive them?

Consumers Don't Think Saving The Auto Industry Would Help The Economy
A majority, 61% of Americans are not in favor of bailing out the auto industry, says CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll. Ford, Chrysler and GM have requested up to $34 billion dollars in emergency loans, but a majority of Americans polled thought that bailing out the automakers wouldn’t help the economy.

US Airways Says $15 First Checked Bag Fee Is A Huge Success
US Airways CEO Doug “OK To Drive” Parker says that US Airways new $15 fee for the first checked bag is a huge success. It’s caused a 20% drop in checked luggage — which has improved baggage handling performance — all while adding revenue during a tough time for airlines.

Poll: Will You Shop At Bankrupt Circuit City?
The pundits are concerned that shoppers will be reluctant to buy electronics from a retailer that has declared bankruptcy, because they’re worried about whether the store will be there to honor their extended warranties and gift cards. (Ew, extended warranties!)