Walmart is winning the big box retail war it seems. They reported same-store October sales were up 2.4 percent versus October 2007. Target, however, lagged behind, with same store sales dropping 4.8%.

TVs Will Be Cheap, But Will Anyone Buy Them?
Everyone seems to agree– this year will be the year of the cheap big-screen tv. The only question remains… will anyone buy them?

Ask The Consumerists: Should I Rent A House That Is In Foreclosure?
Reader Kelly wants to know if she should risk renting a vacation house that is in foreclosure.

POLL: Did $4 Gas Make You Drive Less On Memorial Day Weekend?
AAA is claiming that Americans drove 4.3% fewer miles on public roads in March — the first year-over-year decline since 1979, and that for the first time since 2002, Americans said they planned to drive less this Memorial Day weekend. So, with the national average at $3.936 per gallon, did you actually drive less?

Is Retail Renting Ethical?
The Boston Globe has an interesting article in which they attempt to explain the phenomenon of “retail renting” or “wardrobing”–where consumers buy items with the intention of returning them when they’re done with the prom or the meeting or whatever. The article blames a mix of influences, including the economy and celebrities who obviously borrow many of their fancy gowns and jewelry.

Goldman Sachs: By 2009 You May Owe More Than Your Home Is Worth
Home prices experienced the steepest drop on record for a single quarter says the National Association of Realtors:
The national median price drop of 5.8%, to $206,200 from $219,300, was the steepest ever recorded by the National Association of Realtors (NAR), which has been compiling the report since 1979.

Are ATMs Obsolete?
ATMs are celebrating their 40th birthday with a midlife crisis, wondering if their usefulness to society is at an end as people increasingly rely on credit cards for everyday transactions, and debit cards for cash back.
The numbers are pretty startling: The total number of machines in the U.S. dropped by 1,000 from 2005 to 2006 (although still at a hefty 395,000). The total number of U.S. ATM transactions dropped in 2006 for the second consecutive year, to 10.1 billion. Monthly transactions per U.S. ATM, at 2,131 in 2006, are barely a third of the level in 1996.
ATMs are expensive for banks, costing up to $50,000 per machine plus annual maintenance costs of at least $12,000. The Seattle Post-Intelligencer thinks the tea leaves spell the obsolescence of ATMs. We are not sold. What do you think? Vote in our poll, after the jump…

Have Gas Prices Changed Your Buying Habits?
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Unboxed: Sony PSP Flog Lucky Golden Shit Awards
The lucky golden shit awards for the best flog of 2006 have arrived!

‘All I Want For Xmas Is A PSP’ Wins Best Flog 2006
Based on reader votes, we anoint Sony’s Alliwantforxmasisapsp as the best flog of 2006.
Poll: How You’re Doing Taxes
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Contest: Make up a Word, Win Big Like Halliburton
It’s time to vote on the best Consumerist neologisms. Who among these deserves the almighty Science Award certificate?
The Meaning of Being the Worst Company in America
A thought: the companies duking it out in the “Worst Company in America” aren’t up there because they have bad customer service or because they fail to deliver the best product at the best price.

What Kind of Shopper Are You, Results
Results of poll started on February 22nd asking, What Kind of Shopper Are You?
Round 10: Sprint vs. Walmart
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