From a distance, it can often be easy to criticize Congress as being out of touch, no matter what members are actually doing or what policies they’re proposing. But every once in a while, you get a response so staggeringly clueless you wonder if a lawmaker is living on the same planet you are. [More]
wait — what?

Cadillac Wants To Attract Millennials Somehow, Opens A Coffee Shop
Adults under 80 apparently aren’t all that interested in General Motors’ Cadillac brand, maybe because they simply don’t connect the brand with anything that interests them. “What about coffee?” we picture someone at GM saying at the end of a very long meeting. “The kids today like coffee, right?” That’s a plausible enough origin story behind Cadillac House, a café/retail space/art gallery/I swear this is an actual thing that is going to open in June in Manhattan. [More]

Leaked Contract: Amazon Makes Warehouse Workers Sign 18-Month Non-Compete Agreements
Amazon warehouses, even the ones powered by amazing shelf robots, depend mostly on human labor to get the stuff off the shelves and into boxes. The job doesn’t pay very much and is grueling, and also has high turnover. Oh, and employees are asked to sign 18-month non-compete contracts that ban them from working for any competitor of Amazon. [More]

Someone Steals My Credit Card Number So They Can Buy Credit Protection From Experian
Credit protection programs often cost money. So what’s a someone who can’t get the credit to buy such a program supposed to do? Well, in this case the answer was apparently “steal someone else’s credit card number.”

Bank Of America Employee Does Something That Resembles Good Customer Service
With all the horror stories we read and write about Bank of America, it’s easy to forget that there are BofA employees who understand the value of treating the customer as something other than livestock. [More]

DirectBuy Won't Let Me In Their Showroom Without My Husband
Reader Stacy writes in to let us know that DirectBuy refused to let her tour their showroom without her husband.