Stressed out because your WiFi is too slow to get your work done? Crack open a cold one. Then dry it, slice it, and mount it on your router’s antennae. That’s right, you can boost your wifi just by doing some simple surgery on a beer can. [More]
weekend projects

Save Money And Energy By Insulating Your Hot Water Pipes
Are you looking something exciting to do this weekend? Why not roll up your sleeves and insulate your hot water pipes? It might not be as entertaining as throwing your cat in the snow, but it does provide more energy savings and significantly fewer wet, angry cats. [Consumer Reports Home] [More]

Make Your Own Playdough
Looking for a cheap way to entertain your kids or spice up a rainy day? Make your own playdough! The homemade stuff may not come in a shiny yellow play-doh container, but you probably have most of the ingredients in your cupboard already, and the concoction won’t smell or contain yucky toxins. Hit the jump for the recipe…