Back in 2014, Amazon signed a 17-year lease on office space with some retail floors across from the Empire State Building in Manhattan, and that led to delighted speculation that the company might open a real-life store to sell its own products and let local customers pick up their packages. Instead, the office space is just boring old office space. Now, reports are circlulating that a deal for an Amazon bookstore in Manhattan has been or will be signed. [More]
planning ahead Has A Bunker Full Of Gold, Silver, And Food In Case Of Financial Collapse
When the global financial system collapses, don’t fret: you’ll still be able to shop on We’re not quite sure how that will happen, but the company’s early adoption of Bitcoin as a method of payment could be one clue. What you need to know, though, is that the company will keep paying its employees thanks to its bunker of silver, gold, and food. [More]

Banks Working With HELOC Borrowers To Prevent Potential Loan-Default Disaster Before It Happens
The housing bubble that imploded spectacularly in 2008, taking a big chunk of the U.S. economy with it, has a second wave waiting to strike in the form home equity lines of credit (HELOCs). Having learned from the lesson that preventing a disaster rather than recovering from one might, in fact, be a better way to go, lenders — at the urging of regulators — are now working proactively with borrowers to stave off potential doom before it happens. [More]

3 Steps To Take To Plan Your Retirement
Conventional wisdom advises you to keep your money in indexed investments and rest assured that market forces will grow your nest egg with double-digit returns, allowing you to coast into retirement with ease. But the recession and current volatile stock market can make you re-think your retirement strategy. [More]

57% Of Americans Don't Have Wills
A new Bankrate national poll says that 57% of Americans don’t have wills, even though 76% of respondents said they considered it an important thing to have. This writer doesn’t have a will, but then again, I don’t have kids, and my “heirlooms” are all made by consumer electronic companies. What about people with offspring? It’s even worse: 69% of parents with kids under the age of 18 don’t have wills, even though 88% of them say it’s important.