
How To Keep Pickpockets Out Of Your Pants

If you’ve been properly pickpocketed, you won’t realize you’ve lost your wallet until you need it next — most likely long after the crime has occurred. You’re more vulnerable to pickpockets when you travel, because many thieves make a living by stealing from wandering tourists who carry more cash than others. [More]

Watch Out For Camera Lens Thieves

Watch Out For Camera Lens Thieves

You might think that it’s safe to walk around as a tourist with your big fancy SLR or DSLR camera as long as the strap is around your neck. But who needs the whole camera when the lens itself is worth a bunch of coin? That quick-release button means it’s easy on, easy off, and easy to miss the pickpocketing if you’re distracted. The BBC’s The Real Hustle shows how the con goes down. [More]

Pickpockets Target Starbucks Customers

Pickpockets Target Starbucks Customers

While you’re taking a break with a relaxing Trenta of Pike’s Peak Roast coffee at Starbucks, a thief could be silently snagging your wallet, reports the New York Times. [More]

'Identity Theft-Proof' Wallet Blocks RFID, Goes In Front Pocket

'Identity Theft-Proof' Wallet Blocks RFID, Goes In Front Pocket

If you’re concerned about your RFID-chipped credit cards being skimmed, you might want to consider shielding them. DIFRwear makes a wallet with the shielding already included, and now roguewallet in Maine has introduced its own RFID-shielded version, with a fin-shaped design so it fits better in your front pocket to thwart pickpockets. Unfortunately, it’s also $50, compared to $20 for the more conventional looking DIFRwear hip-pocket design. (Both are FIPS 201 compliant, if that means anything to you.)

Eerie Severed Hands Teach Whispy Mustachioed Belgians About Pickpockets

Eerie Severed Hands Teach Whispy Mustachioed Belgians About Pickpockets