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Yesterday, AT&T announced it will stop selling DirecTV satellite service in the first quarter of 2008, triggering speculation it may enter an exclusive partnership with satellite television company EchoStar later next year. [Reuters]

Comcast Testing "Do-It-Yourself" Phone Install Kits
Let’s face it, you are probably smarter than your last Comcast technician—at least, you probably think you are.

Verizon Sets Fire To Your Home
What’s worse than Verizon not showing up for you appointment? Verizon techs showing up for you appointment, only to set fire to your home.

Mobile Carriers Must Allow Roaming For A "Reasonable" Cost, Says FCC
The FCC announced yesterday that commercial mobile phone carriers are obligated to provide roaming connections, including mobile voice calls, text messaging, and push-to-talk services, for a “reasonable” cost. This matters most to customers of small and rural carriers, whose sometimes pay as high as $0.79 a minute to access large carriers’ networks. The political response was as expected: Democrats said the FCC should have included data transfer, and Republicans said the “light regulatory approach” was just right. Sprint said the average roaming cost per minute was four cents, and that no FCC intervention was necessary. And then Sprint ate a newborn and cackled maniacally.

Making Cheaper Phone Calls (Some Assembly Required)
If you have a landline telephone and a cable modem, then you’re in the perfect position to take advantage of cheap (sometimes free) phone calls–provided you’re willing to try one of the many oddball companies reviewed by tech columnist David Pogue in this week’s Circuits section of the New York Times.
Verizon's Replacement Phone Doesn't Work
When he follows the instructions included with the phone his activation is unsuccessful. The really sad part is that when he tries to call for help, the phone still doesn’t work. Ahh, Catch 22. Not exactly a scandal, but we like his video. There’s something all too familiar and sad about it. Does anyone want to lend him a phone?—MEGHANN MARCO

Executive Contact Info For Cingular, Sprint, T-Mobile, Verizon
Contact information for the CEOs of major cellphone companies. You’ll never get to talk to them, but at least your issue will get under the noses of their near and dear underlings.
Don’t Leave Your Phone At The Yosemite Riverside Inn
- Last Thanksgiving weekend my girlfriend and I stayed at the Yosemite Riverside Inn for its proximity to El Capitan and its “Riverside Cabins with Rustic Charm.”…
Comcast Mistakenly Disconnects Telephone Number Customer Had For 54 Years
After more than five decades with the same phone number, Frances “Sugar” Shankman lost her number when Comcast mistakenly disconnected her line.” When Frances tried to get the number back, Comcast issued her a new one.

Contact CEOs Of Major Cellphone Companies
Inside, the phone number and mailing address for the CEOs of every major US cellphone carrier.

Cox Outsources 411 To Filipinos
Cox has outsourced their 411 service to the Philippines, a frustrated San Diego consumer complains. “Bear” finds the operator’s accents difficult to understand and claims they, “don’t understand the intricacies of the English language.”

HowTo: Record Phone Calls
Spurred by our query, Lifehacker posed that very question to their readers.
UPDATE: Win $1000
We want you to have $1000 and will give you a prize for just trying to collect it.
Who Has More Authority: Stores or Customer Service?
A complaint about a bad customer service experience with Sprint from Adam H. (which we will reproduced after the jump) got us to thinking: Do customer service employees who work in the ‘billing’ offices of phone companies like Sprint have more authority to fix payment issues than the person at your local carrier-owned phone retail store? We have a inclination that one needs to call into the service centers to get any sort of billing resolution, but wouldn’t it make sense for at least the managers at the retail operations to have the authority to fix errors, as well? Perhaps it is a trust issue—makes it too easy to tweak bills for friends when you can work with them face-to-face.