The last thing you would expect the former CEO of a major department store to do is deliver mobile phones to customers’ homes, but that’s exactly what a new company from former JCPenney CEO Ron Johnson is doing for AT&T. [More]
phone service

Residents Of NJ Neighborhood Say Comcast Can't Fix Oft-Interrupted Service
Comcast may care, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s competent. A chronic, unidentified problem is reportedly wrecking customers’ phone, cable and internet service in a Holiday City, New Jersey neighborhood, and the problems continue despite countless service calls. [More]

FCC Looking To Shift Land Line Subsidy Efforts To Broadband Internet Access
The FCC has long subsidized access to land lines in rural areas, but will vote Tuesday to possibly shift the funding toward high-speed internet access. [More]

AT&T Won't Let Me Drop Old Landline After A Move
When Deanna moved from one unit to another in the same building, she figured it would be simple enough to move her AT&T landline account from the old apartment to the new one. Despite numerous dealings with AT&T’s bumbling customer service, she can’t seem to shake the old account. [More]

I Prodded Comcast Into Rescuing My 73-Year-Old Mom's Dead Phone Service
Comcast left Brent’s disabled 73-year-old mom disconnected from the outside world when it bungled her phone service switch from AT&T, telling him it would take three days to get her connected. Brent stepped in, called Comcast out and spurred the company into action. [More]

Heart Attack Patient Has No Phone Going On A Week, Time Warner Botches Repairs
Thomas is on the 7th day without Time Warner Cable phone service, which is a bit of a problem since his mother just had a heart attack. They’ve promised multiple times to come out and fix it, and either broken those promised appointments or only partially fixed the issue. [More]

This Is Why You Don't Answer Anonymous Telephone Surveys At Work
Jay’s roommate says he was bored at work recently and decided to go ahead and take part in a random telephone survey. Now he’s been fired. [More]

Comcast Convinces Business To Switch Its Phone Service, Loses Track Of Payment And Disconnects Line
Some silver-tongued sales-devil from Comcast convinced landscaping company owners Kelly and her husband to hand over their business phone line, only to claim it never received their payment and cut off their service in short order.

Moving With Movearoo's Help? Hope You Like AT&T, Verizon, And Qwest is a new website that appears to offer free assistance with your move, helping you set up things like phone service, gas, and electricity at your new address. The site calls itself “Your Total Moving Resource.” It’s a helpful site, sure, but you should be aware that it’s funded by AT&T, Verizon, and Qwest, and exists primarily to promote their services. In other words, you won’t find a comprehensive list of competing phone service providers through Movearoo, only those offered by the three sponsor companies. A consumer advocate points out the drawback of making Movearoo your sole relocation resource: