The group Consumer Watchdog is pushing hard for Congress to establish a “do not track” list for online consumers, which I’m all for. I’m not sure whether releasing a ridiculously unpleasant cartoon in Times Square is the right strategy, though–especially when you use the very service you’re warning people about. [More]

Consumer Group Launches Anti-Google Ad In Times Square, Keeps Google Analytics On Its Own Website

Starbucks Perv Busted By Customer
A Starbucks customer was charged with two counts of public indecency and one count of posession of cannabis after an incident in a Chicago Starbucks where he was said to be “staring at woman and fondling himself.” [More]

16-Year-Old Unwittingly Stars In Homemade Abercrombie & Fitch Dressing Room Video
A teenager is suing Abercrombie & Fitch and one of its former employees after she caught someone filming her in one of the store’s dressing rooms.

Please Do Not Expose Your Genitals To The Comcast Guy
A [Howell, Michigan] man was ordered to stand trial on charges he exposed his genitals to a computer technician trying to fix his slow Internet service.

Urban Outfitters Employee Likes Being Flashed, Will Force You To Play Along
Miriam got a rude surprise at Urban Outfitters yesterday when she was trying on some clothes. Loud music doesn’t cover up the nipples, people; keep the changing room doors shut, or at least don’t laugh about it after exposing a customer.

"Family Friendly" Movie Censors Were Running Porn Business
According to the Provo, UT Daily Herald the founder of “Flix Club” a defunct company that edited swearing and nudity from films and resold them as “family friendly’ versions, has been arrested on charges that he and another man paid two 14-year-old girls for sex. Police also said that the men may have been using the “family friendly” video business as a front for producing porn.