personal finance

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Philanthropy: Twenty Ways to Improve the World, Even If You’re Broke [The Simple Dollar] “Here are twenty things anyone can donate to make the world a better place without blowing up their budget.”

Growing Your Human Capital: 11 Ways to Boost Your Income-Producing Ability [Get Rich Slowly] “Earning a higher paycheck isn’t easy these days, so it takes deliberate planning [and] extra work.”

10 Tips for Working for Yourself — Without Working Yourself to Death [Money Talks News] “Here’s what I’ve learned, some of it the hard way.”

10 Reasons To Buy a Home [Wall Street Journal] “Enough with the doom and gloom about homeownership.”

Are you misplacing hundreds of dollars? [MSN Money] “Every time you buy a duplicate of something you already own, leave a rebate unclaimed or forget to pay a bill on time, you’re burning money.”


Bank Of America Lets You Keep Get Out Of Jail Free Card

Bank Of America Lets You Keep Get Out Of Jail Free Card

Chaz forgot about a check he wrote a month ago and when it got deposited this month, his Bank of America account went into the red. This also caused a transfer he started to get rejected, so he got two $35 overdraft charges. Armed with a “stuff happens” one-time fee refund card Bank of America gave him when he opened his student account, he went in and threw himself at their mercy. [More]

Caller ID Says "Phone Scam"

Caller ID Says "Phone Scam"

Telemarketing credit card fraudsters aren’t even trying anymore. Reader Chris took a picture of the caller ID for one of them actually showing up as “PHONE SCAM.” [More]

GMAC Bungled Foreclosure Affidavits In 23 States

GMAC Bungled Foreclosure Affidavits In 23 States

GMAC Mortgage is taking the eye-opening step of stopping evictions in 23 states because the affidavits used to support the kickouts contained information the employees didn’t themselves personally know to be true, and they were sometimes signed without a notary present, according to a company statement. [More]

GMAC Halts Evictions In 23 States

GMAC Halts Evictions In 23 States

GMAC has told brokers and agents to immediately stop evicting homeowners in 23 states. In a memo, the Ally Financial Inc. subsidiary cited “corrective action in connection with some foreclosures” that may need to be taken. Smells like some people got foreclosed on that shouldn’t have, though we’ve been hearing scattered reports about that for a while without the banks doing much, so why drastic action now? Have they uncovered something massive? [More]

Recession Officially Over. Yipee.

Recession Officially Over. Yipee.

The official declarer of such things has announced that the Great Recession is over, and it ended in Jun 2009. So why doesn’t it feel that way? [More]

The Credit Card That Rewrites Itself

The Credit Card That Rewrites Itself

This week Dynamics is showing off a new credit card that can rewrite its own magnetic strip on the fly. So you get a card that you have to punch in a code before it can be swiped or before you can read the credit card numbers. After a few minutes, the information erases and it returns to being an inert piece of plastic. Or, for the convenience factor, a card can have multiple credit cards on it. Just push the button of the card you want to use. The future is here and its in your wallet. [More]

China To Exceed US Credit Card Use By 2020

China To Exceed US Credit Card Use By 2020

We don’t need to worry about China getting ahead, Mastercard said today that China is set to surpass the US by 2020 in America’s favorite pastime: using credit cards. It will only be a matter of time after that they implode on a consumer credit bubble, muahaha, exactly as we planned. See, you’re not the only ones that can export poison! [More]

Chase Just Goes Ahead And Adds Overdraft Protection To Your Account

Chase Just Goes Ahead And Adds Overdraft Protection To Your Account

Lori called up Chase to tell them that she was traveling internationally in the next few weeks. She wanted them to note her account so there wouldn’t be any blocks when charges from far-away countries started appearing. Then the fast-talking rep just sort of added overdraft protection to Lori’s account, just casually worked it in there, like she was doing her a courtesy. [More]

Debit Card Skimmer Found On Train Ticket Dispenser

Debit Card Skimmer Found On Train Ticket Dispenser

Be careful, travelers, skimmers aren’t just for ATMs. Here’s one a Dutch guy found on a local train ticket machine. This is even a little bit more insidious than an ATM skimmer because busy passengers are even less likely to hide their PIN or notice a skimming device before rushing to their next train. The site is in Dutch but just scroll through the labeled pictures. With phrases like “betterijen uit mobiele telefoon” it’s pretty easy to figure out what he’s talking about. [More]

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

The Active versus Passive Decision [Free Money Finance] “If you’ve ever wondered why passive investing beats active investing, this article is for you.”

10 Fees You Shouldn’t Be Paying [Kiplinger] “Awareness and planning will help you avoid these unnecessary charges.”

Best New Car Deals – and 7 Tips to Drive a Hard Bargain [Money Talks News] “In short, dealers aren’t doing well, so deals abound.”

20 clues you need a money makeover [Smart Spending] “Among the clues: Are you afraid to open your credit card bill or look at your receipts?'”

Get energy tax breaks while you can [MSN Money] “You could buy energy-efficient products and get 30% of your cash back, but the deals may not last.”


ID Theft Victim Receives Ceaseless Cavalcade Of Stolen Packages

ID Theft Victim Receives Ceaseless Cavalcade Of Stolen Packages

This lady’s address was used by credit card thieves who were scoping out different merchants’ fraud triggering levels. Which meant that she was receiving packages for and calls about a portable night light, Vietnamese movies, and a $2,500 Gibson. Every day for two months she got something new, and no one could stop it. [More]

Turn Store Financing Offers Into Interest-Earning Free Loans

Turn Store Financing Offers Into Interest-Earning Free Loans

Store financing offers like 0% down, pay nothing for 6 months, etc, can be a way to lure those who really shouldn’t be buying stuff into purchasing, but if you actually have the cash in hand already, you can leverage them into the equivalent of an interest-earning free loan. [More]

Happiness Costs $75,000

Happiness Costs $75,000

It’s settled, money can buy happiness, and it tops out at $75,000. That’s the result of a new Princeton study which found that the way people evaluated their lives got steadily better as their annual income increased. A lower income makes things like divorce, bad health and being alone more emotionally painful. However, the way respondents rated the quality of their everyday experiences and feelings did not increase after passing the $75,000 mark. [More]

Bank Screws Man For $900, He Tells Others, Ultimately Costing Bank $100,000 In Lost Business

Bank Screws Man For $900, He Tells Others, Ultimately Costing Bank $100,000 In Lost Business

Revenge is a dish best served cold, and when it comes to the bank who jacked him for $900, Justin is a master chef. [More]

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

7 strategies to avoid the college debt trap [The Washington Post] “Here’s my guide for parents about avoiding the student-debt trap.”

Acing Tricky Questions [Wall Street Journal] “The way you react to a question or work through an answer can actually score more points with the interviewer than the answer you give.”

Going to Be a Mommy? Know Your Rights [Wise Bread] “A look at the rights you do have under both federal and state law in the U.S.”

10 Things Plumbers Won’t Tell You [Smart Money] “#1. There’s an old plumber’s adage: ‘An ounce of prevention could cost me thousands.'”

19 things your millionaire neighbor won’t tell you [Smart Spending] “If you’re like him, you’ll accumulate your wealth gradually by diligently saving your money over multiple decades.”


Reduce Spending By Writing Goals On Your Credit Cards

Reduce Spending By Writing Goals On Your Credit Cards

Have trouble keeping yourself from swiping the plastic? One way to cut down on mindless transacting is to take a sharpie and scribble your money goals on your credit card. They will stare at you the next time you pull it out. [More]

BofA Customers, Watch Out For Overdraft Protection Auto-Enrolling

BofA Customers, Watch Out For Overdraft Protection Auto-Enrolling

Will was meticulous about avoiding the succubus that is overdraft protection in his Bank of America checking account. So you can imagine what happened to him: The bank automatically stuck him with the so-called protection thanks to an automatic function that stuck him with a $100 credit card cash advance, along with the accompanying finance charges. [More]