The New Money Apps [Wall Street Journal] “Here are some new services that are pushing online budgeting and investing capabilities in new directions.” [More]
personal finance

Personal Finance Roundup
How to Swap Your House With a Stranger [Wall Street Journal] “How can I trust someone I don’t know and who comes from a foreign country?”
Personal Finance Is Rarely Black and White [The Simple Dollar] “If you see a tactic that you don’t find useful because it doesn’t match who you are or where your life is right now, don’t waste even a second of your precious energy or time on it.”
10 Things to Look for Every Time You Visit a Thrift Store [Wise Bread] “You never know what you’ll find during your treasure hunt, but here are 10 things you should always be on the lookout for at a thrift store.”
How and What to Negotiate When Relocating for Work [US News] “Bottom line: Don’t assume anything when it comes to relocating for work.”
Best money advice for new grads [MSN Money] “Financial experts share what they wish they had known and their best suggestions for someone just starting out.”

Personal Finance Roundup
“Do What You Love” Is Bad Advice [Free Money Finance] “The number of people who make a lot of money doing what they love is so insignificantly small that it’s an unrealistic and useless thing to model.”
10 overlooked retirement tips [Market Watch] “Here’s a look at 10 [retirement] tips that advisers say you shouldn’t overlook.”
Six Great Tech Tools for Planning Your Own Death [Wise Bread] “There are several apps and online tools that can help you plan ahead for the time when you will shuffle off this mortal coil.”
10 Tips for Leaving Your Job Gracefully [US News] “A bad exit can have long-range consequences and should always be avoided if possible.”
Fix your finances in a day [MSN Money] “It’s easy to procrastinate when it comes to money chores. Here’s a simple way to tackle what’s not getting done.”

Personal Finance Roundup
12 Tricks to Make Groceries Last Longer [Wise Bread] “The best ways to make your groceries last a good while.”
How to Host a Yard Sale [Get Rich Slowly] “As a veteran of many profitable yard sales, here are some of my top tips.”
Are You Your Retirement Plan’s Worst Enemy? [Wall Street Journal] “Many retirees unwittingly make decisions that result in major, self-inflicted damage to their nest eggs.”
How to Make Recruiters Work for You [Moneyland] “Here are TIME Moneyland’s top tips for how to make recruiters work for you.”
Helping Aging Parents Manage Their Money [US News] “The role reversal between parent and child isn’t easy. Here are some strategies to get started.”

Personal Finance Roundup
Can a side gig help your career? [CNN Money] “Certain kinds of moonlighting may actually help you in your main job, and wise organizations can embrace, rather than squelch, entrepreneurial zeal.”
11 Quick Tips to Earn a Stellar Performance Review [US News] “If you want a stellar performance review next year, start thinking about how you can make a positive impact at work.”
6 ways to use your IRA now [MSN Money] “If you need to cover emergency expenses or want to make an investment in the future, you may be able to use your retirement savings early without paying penalties.”
20 Frugal Ways to Brighten Your Spouse’s Day [Wise Bread] “To help you show your sweetie that he or she is still the one for you, here are 20 frugal ways to bring a smile to their face today.”
Your 7-Step Midyear Money Checkup [Daily Finance] “The goal of this six-month checkup is to identify potential trouble spots before they become big money gushers.”

Personal Finance Roundup
7 smart ways to pay for college [MSN Money] “Try these 7 savvy strategies to help them get an education without going broke.”
Generics: Six I Buy, Six I Avoid [The Simple Dollar] “Use these lists as encouragement to try a few lower cost store brand products, as well as a useful reminder to not buy something that will end disastrously.”
25 Ways to Have Cheap Summer Fun [Wise Bread] “Check out the following ideas for frugal summer fun.”
7 Things Employers Want from New Grads [US News] “For 2012 grads intent on landing their dream job, here are seven key things that employers want.”
Fixes For These 10 Money Mistakes [SavvySugar] “Solutions for some common money mistakes people make.”

Personal Finance Roundup
10 biggest mistakes renters make [MSN Money] “Be aware of these potential pitfalls before you sign a lease.”
8 Ways to Make the Most of Your Internship [US News] “Here are eight tips for getting the most out of interning.”
Insurance You Can Live Without [Wall Street Journal] “What is worth your hard-earned cash and what’s not?”
The 10 Worst Ways to Make Extra Money [Wise Bread] “It doesn’t make sense to slave away over something that isn’t actually going to put money in your pocket.”
Save Hundreds on These 10 Essential Household Goods [Moneyland] “Cut your bills with these money-saving tips on buying household essentials, clothing, and personal products.”

Personal Finance Roundup
9 Thrifty, Meaningful Gifts For Mom [SavvySugar] “It’s tough to find a gift that will reflect your appreciation.”
10 ways to slash your medical costs [MSN Money] “Want to keep your health costs low the easy way? Avoid doing the bad things that tend to land you in the doctor’s office.”
If You’re Under 40, Don’t Bank on Social Security [Wall Street Journal] “If Plan A in your retirement scheme is Social Security, it’s time to start working on Plan B.”
10 Things You Should Do Immediately After Losing Your Wallet [Wise Bread] “Here is a checklist for you, featuring some very important numbers and a little advice that you should follow today to help you keep your valuables safe and make reporting a lost wallet a lot easier.”
7 Bargain Summer Destinations [Smart Money] “Here are seven spots at home and abroad where experts say the lodging deals are sweet enough to offset higher travel costs:”

Personal Finance Roundup
Want a promotion? Make friends at work. [CNN Money] “If you’re not reaching out to make and nurture friendships at work, you’re probably hurting your career.”
Perfect Prom on a Budget: 13 Ways to Spend Less, Still Shine [Daily Finance] “According to USA Today, spending on the spring formal is set to rise this year to an average of $1,078.”
21 Tasty and Cost-Effective Breakfast for Dinner Ideas [Wise Bread] “Here are 21 ways to enjoy breakfast for dinner that balance flavor, frugality and fun.”
4 Ways Your Bicycle Could Help You Earn Extra Income [Bucksome Boomer] “Do you have a bicycle? If so, you have not only a mode of transportation but a means to boost your bottom line.”
6 Reasons Why You Should Never Purchase an Extended Warranty [US News] “Here are six of the main reasons why it doesn’t make sense for you to purchase an extended warranty for your items.”

Personal Finance Roundup
The Two Ways To Track Financial Success [Free Money Finance] “With these two key metrics alone, you can measure and track your success in growing your net wealth.”
The 7 Biggest Retirement Planning Mistakes [Moneyland] “Here are seven common retirement planning mistakes to avoid.”
Secrets to Saving on Your 7 Favorite Indulgences [Savvy Sugar] “Here are some ways you can still enjoy your favorite purchases, yet save at the same time.”
8 More Smart Things to Do With Your Tax Refund [Wise Bread] “Consider these responsible ways to help manage your personalized stimulus package.”
6 Top Retirement Investments Not About Money [US News] “In thinking about the kinds of investments that may produce the greatest returns as you get older, here are six you might want to consider.”

Personal Finance Roundup
5 Hypothetical New Taxes That Americans Actually Support [Moneyland] “Here are five possible new taxes that, at least in theory, get plenty of support.”
10 Tips for Landing the Perfect House-Sitting Gig [Wise Bread] “How to effectively land and enjoy a house-sitting job.”
80-20 Your Finances [Free Money Finance] “If you simply focus on a few key steps and apply them faithfully over time, you can become wealthy.”
4% solution for retirement doesn’t fit all [Market Watch] “The 4% withdrawal strategy, a strategy used to produce income in retirement by many financial advisers and do-it-yourselfers, is, to put it bluntly, oversimplistic.”
10 Things Online Data Collectors Won’t Say [Smart Money] “They know your online browsing secrets. We reveal their hidden tactics.”

Personal Finance Roundup
Get tax breaks on your hobby [MSN Money] “If you make money from a hobby, you may be able to deduct expenses from that income.”
7 More Great Ways to Earn More Money [Free Money Finance] “Seven more (relatively easy) great ways to add a bit of extra cash to your pocket.”
Clear Out That Clutter: 15 Places to Sell Your Stuff [Wise Bread] “From hocking your books and DVDs online to getting cash back for a smartphone, here are 15 ways you can sell nearly anything you think of.”
12 ways to beat the hidden costs of college [CNN Money] “We interviewed dozens of experts to garner tips to help you keep those unexpected costs under control.”
6 Myths About Saving for Retirement [Moneyland] “Six crippling myths about retirement saving.”

3 Ways To Fall Into Debt, 3 Ways To Climb Out
There are countless ways to wind up in the red, and many of them start with the best of intentions. Seemingly smart investments, luxury purchases you thought you could afford and once-in-a-lifetime vacation deals can all place you in the chokehold of compound interest. [More]

Personal Finance Roundup
Becoming Wealthy May Be Simple, But It’s Not Easy [Free Money Finance] “Even though the concepts behind wealth are simple, it takes hard work to put them into practice.”
Why You Shouldn’t Take a Counteroffer [US News] “Using another job offer as a bargaining chip may be tempting, but too often, it ends badly.”
Why Wall Street Hates the Lazy Portfolios Strategy [Smart Money] “The more you trade at Wall Street’s casino, the richer your broker gets.”
25 Things to Never Pay Full Price For [Wise Bread] “Here are 25 broad categories of items for which you should never pay full price.”
Secrets to paying for college [CNN Money] “A roundup of insider secrets from college counselors, administrators, and parents in the trenches.”

Personal Finance Roundup
6 questions to ask a job interviewer [CNN Money] “To stand out from your competition, says an executive coach, you need to start a real, memorable conversation. Here’s how to do it.”
Ten Perennial Mistakes That Tax Filers Make [Wall Street Journal] “Tax laws change with alarming frequency, but some taxpayer errors are perennial.”
10 Most Epic “I Quit” Moments [Moneyland] “The stunt gave him 15 minutes of fame — along with a year of probation.”
21 Disposable Products You Can Reuse [Wise Bread] “I asked friends, family, and colleagues to tell me which disposable items they squeeze more life from.”
10 Things To Never Say To Your Boss [Ask Men] “Keep these top 10 things to never say to your boss in mind the next time you’re chatting him up by the water cooler.”

Foolish, Youthful Financial Decisions You'll Regret Later
Some decisions you make in your youth seem bad at the time, while others don’t reveal the true depths of their awfulness until years later. Behaving in a recklessly impulsive manner with finances can come back to cost you, making it important to correct your misbehavior before problems overwhelm you. [More]

Personal Finance Roundup
College degree = $650,000 more in earnings [CNN Money] “Typical college grads earn about $650,000 more than their peers who just have a high school diploma.”
7 Deadly Energy Sinners: The Energy Hogs Hiding in Your Home [Wise Bread] “Here’s a look at some of those power-hungry appliances, and what you can do to be more efficient and economical without backbreaking hassle.”
Weddings on a Budget [Wall Street Journal] “Here are some ways to make the most of your time and money.”
3 money tips for every income [MSN Money] “These tips offer a good place to start for any household.”
Five Ways to Think About Diversification of Your Investments [Bucks Blog] “A few thoughts on diversification that might spark a conversation about money in your home or office.”

Money Moves To Make When You Face Divorce
When you live with someone and share financial obligations, the end of the relationship hits your wallet as much as it does your heart. Splitting up forces you to take an inventory of false assumptions and trust issues you and your ex had with money as well as everything else. [More]