US markets fell 200 points on news that Greece could be on the precipice of defaulting on its debt. Wait, haven’t they been talking about that all summer? Yes, but this comes after the Germans, key players in resolving the crisis, are now publicly saying that Greece may default in a messy way. [More]
personal finance

What To Do When You Get Your First Credit Card
Since credit cards don’t come with manuals that teach you how not to get buried in debt and saddle yourself with ludicrous interest rates and fees, it’s best to start slowly and work your way into a comfort zone. Use credit with discipline and it can yield tremendous advantages. [More]

Personal Finance Roundup
How to create financial security in retirement [Market Watch] “The three biggest worries that clients of financial advisers face seem somewhat easy to solve.”
5 Questions to Ask the Hiring Manager [US News] “Here are some of the best questions to ask when you’re looking for a job.”
Buyer Beware, as Damaged Cars from Tropical Storm Irene May Soon Arrive on Dealer Lots [NY Times] “This is a time just to be wary if you are buying a used vehicle.”
6 Surprising Benefits of the One Car Household [My Dollar Plan] “I have been surprised at the benefits a one car household has brought us.”
What Would You Do If You Got Let Go? [Yakezie Personal Finance] “All of us should be wondering what we should do if we got let go.”

Why The Tough Economy Has Made It A Great Time, Or Not, To Get Divorced
If you have to go through the misery of a divorce, now is as good a time as any to proceed. Plunging home prices and the struggling economy have a way of making financial separations less painful, with some caveats. [More]

Chart: This Is How Dead Free Checking Is At Big Banks
This chart from American Banker shows just how many nails are in the coffin of free checking at big banks in a post-Durbin amendment world. That is a whopping drop from 96% of large banks offering free checking in 2009 to only 34.6% in 2011. What’s also amazing is just how resilient free checking is at the credit unions and smaller banks, which continue to use it as a marketing tactic to attract customers. [More]

Wells Fargo And Chase Waive Fees For Irene-Affected Customers
Wells Fargo and Chase announced that they are waiving some fees for customers in NY, NJ and CT to help them out after Irene. [More]

Personal Finance Roundup
Want an Unbeatable Résumé? Read These Tips from a Top Recruiter. [Forbes] “It has to be simple. No more than two pages. The average résumé gets read in 10 seconds.”
50+ Ways to Have Free Outdoor Fun [Wise Bread] “There are lots of ways to have free outdoor fun.”
Where to get free stuff : Mega Guide to freebies [Wealth Informatics] “A free feast is being served, so lets dig in.”
10 Things Economists Won’t Tell You [Smart Money] “Why their forecasts should be taken with a shaker of salt.”
Stay tough, stay employed [CNN Money] “While the job market is certainly far from ideal for recent graduates, a new study sheds light on a few qualities that could keep recession-era entrants to the job market at work.”

Quick Fixes To Up Your Credit Score
Sweeping things you can do to improve your credit score, such as paying off large loans, aren’t the only moves you can make to appear more attractive to lenders. Small, immediate fixes to your personal finances can go a long way toward your goal. [More]

Personal Finance Roundup
How to Maximize Your Lifetime Earnings [Free Money Finance] “I wanted to look at which strategy would help you make the most over your career — starting at a higher salary or getting larger annual increases.”
Where the jobs are [CNN Money] “These 25 counties have experienced the most job growth over the last 10 years.”
How to Save on School Supplies Without Going Crazy [Wise Bread] “I have already gathered about half the items on my second-grader’s list — without spending any money at all.”
3 college myths that will cost you [MSN Money] “Certain misconceptions about financial aid and the price of higher education are all too frequent. The facts show why they’re not to be taken seriously.”
How to Talk to Your Landlord [US News] “Here are some quick tips to help to maintain and improve landlord-tenant relations.”

Check Out This Nearly Undetectable ATM Skimmer
Reader Andrew noticed this picture of an an incredibly high-end professional ATM skimmer that is virtually undetectable. [More]

"I Don't Doubt It" Is BofA's Response To You Saying They Transferred You To Foot Fetish Phone Line
When David tried to report some fraudulent activity on his debit card, Bank of America transferred his call to a 1-900 type phone line that specialized in feet-related activities. [More]

Personal Finance Roundup
10 Ways to Annoy a Hiring Manager [US News] “Want to annoy a hiring manager and lose out on the job? Here are 10 surefire ways to do it.”
Protecting your parents: Keep the sharks at bay [CNN Money] “One out of every five older Americans has been sold an inappropriate investment, paid excessive fees for a financial product or service, or been a victim of fraud.”
For Spenders, the Down Market Has an Upside [Smart Money] “Market woes may lead to significant deals and discounts on travel, cars and other big-ticket items.”
Fido’s bite could cost $26,000 [MSN Money] “Last year, the average cost of a dog bite claim was $26,166.”
10 Weird And Unconventional Ways To Save Money [Bible Money Matters] “Yeah, I know, great way to start the list – by telling people to stop using toilet paper!”

SunTrust Sunsets Free Checking
The next bank to do away with free checking is SunTrust, and they’ve got their own unique twist on it. [More]

Wouldn't It Be Nice To Find Out Your Checking Fees With A One-Pager Like This?
Wouldn’t it be really cool if your checking account disclosure form looked like this nice one-pager the Pew Research Group mocked up? Naw, just kidding. We know you love reading paragraphs of tiny text that have the important clauses buried in the middle of longer sentences. Playing a scavenger hunt to find out what fees you have to pay is part of the fun of having a checking account! [More]

Personal Finance Roundup
Is It Safe to Post Photos Online? [US News] “Users might be sharing too much personal information by posting on social networking sites.”
47 Cheap, Fun Things to Do This Weekend [Wise Bread] “Here’s a list to help free you from boredom without emptying your wallet.”
Your best friends’ bank: You [MSN Money] “How should money work among friends?”
How the Debt Deal May Affect You [Smart Money] “Many experts think the plan will require some new strategies. Here’s what to consider.”
5 Ways To Save Money On Food While Staying At A Hotel [Yes I Am Cheap] “Here are 5 simple ways you can save hundreds of dollars on your next trip.”

Stupid Things People Do With Credit Cards
Credit cards are rectangular Pandora’s boxes, unleashing the potential for torment in your financial life, as well as possible salvation. Undisciplined or desperate credit card users often get themselves into ludicrous jams. [More]

How To Make Sure Your Clients Pay You
Waiting on a paycheck is an agonizing endeavor, and a test of your character, cool and perseverance. Act too early and behave too impatiently and you could lower your value in the eyes of your contracted boss. Stay quiet and you could become an unpaid pushover who accrues terminally long lists of unpaid endeavors. [More]