Perdue’s Harvestland chicken sausage advertises that it’s made from chicken that’s never been exposed to antibiotics, and that it doesn’t contain nitrates, nitrites, or animal byproducts. Now the product is being recalled because of a problematic additive: Customers have found pieces of blue plastic in their sausages. [More]

Niman Ranch: New Perdue Ownership Doesn’t Mean Animal Welfare Standards Will Change
Upon the news that Niman Ranch had been bought by poultry giant Perdue, some customers of the specialty meats business have expressed fears that the company they know and love for its animal welfare standards will change its act under the new ownership. Those concerns have prompted Perdue and Niman Ranch, along with one of its biggest customers, Chipotle, to reassure customers that they’ve got nothing to worry about. [More]

Perdue Says Half Its Chickens Now Raised Without Any Antibiotics At All
Almost a year ago, Perdue — one of the biggest names in chicken — announced its hatcheries would cease using antibiotics that were medically important to human beings, and today the company said that it has reached a milestone in the move to curb the dangerous overuse of these vital drugs, claiming that more than half of its birds are now being raised without the use of any sort of antibiotics at all. [More]

Can New McDonald’s CEO Turn Tide Against Antibiotic Abuse In Farm Animals?
Since the Food and Drug Administration won’t set down hard-and-fast rules on non-medical antibiotic use in farm animals, it’s up to the farmers and the companies who buy the most meat to make a change that will cut down on the use of drugs that result in bigger cows, pigs, and chickens, but also put us all at risk for drug-resistant pathogens. [More]

Perdue Stops Using Antibiotics In Chicken Hatcheries
There’s some good news for a change for those concerned about the rampant use of antibiotics in animal feed. Perdue, the nation’s most well-known chicken producer claims that 95% of its chickens will now be antibiotic-free (sort of) after removing all antibiotics from chicken hatcheries. [More]

Chicken Processing Plant Worker: I Will Never Eat Fast Food Nuggets Again
While there are plenty of people who would rather not imagine where their food comes from, many of us would like to know more about how, for example, a chicken goes from clucking and pecking to one of four shapes of Chicken McNugget. During a recent “Ask Me Anything” session on Reddit, a current employee of a Perdue chicken processing plant was glad to answer questions, as well as admit he or she will never eat chicken nuggets from a fast food joint ever again. [More]

Perdue Recalls 90,000 Pounds Of Chicken Nuggets From Walmart Stores
The USDA and Perdue have issued a recall for more than 90,000 pounds of Great Value frozen chicken nuggets — all of it shipped to Walmart stores — because there is a possibility that the food could contain “foreign materials.” [More]

Are You Paying $60 A Year For Water Pumped Into Chicken?
Awhile back we posted some videos that show how butchers get away with vacuum pumping water into meat to make it weigh more. Some of them try to be “honest” about it by throwing a little soy sauce in there and calling it marinade. Whatever. We don’t pay by the pound for our marinade and neither should you.