
Pepsi Snitches on Coca-Cola Trade Secrets Thief

Pepsi Snitches on Coca-Cola Trade Secrets Thief

The wonderful world of industrial soft-drink espionage. Three employees of Coca-Cola Inc. are under arrest for attempting to sell trade secrets (and a sample of a new drink — what can they add cherry and vanilla to this time?) to rival Pepsi.

Coke Sued to Stop Using Leaded Labels

Coke? Will that be unleaded or regular? California prefers the former and sued Coca-Cola yesterday, asking it to pretty please with a dead baby on top, to stop using lead-based paint on their labels. Reports the LA Times:

Pepsi’s Nostalgic Moonwalk

Ah memories. Michael Jackson was still black and Pepsi’s “New Generation” premise was accepted without ironic interpretation. No one could see the darkness falling as the prince of pop converted prepubescent youth to his soulful freak-beat. The dancing kid is apparently “Carlton” from Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

Benzene In Soda Is Cancerous

Benzene In Soda Is Cancerous

Watch out, that next can of carbonated fizzy water you guzzle could turn your esophagus into a tumorous pipe oozing with cancer and bile. The carcinogen in question is Benzene and according to Beverage Daily, benzene levels in most soft drinks are up to five times the World Heath Organization’s limit for drinking water.

David Hasselhoff Trades in Knight for Pepsi Cap, Rides

David Hasselhoff Trades in Knight for Pepsi Cap, Rides

How do you like your Pepsi-Cola? How about David Hasselhoff? This asexually lascivious image leered at Flickr user ‘Downunder Dan’ from atop an Australian billboard and he was compelled to share it with us. Thanks, Dan! Now we can gouge our eyes out in peace and replace them with K.I.T.T’s array of futuristic crime sensors.