The food fight between Pepperidge Farm and Trader Joe’s over Belgian chocolate sandwich cookies has been put to bed, after the two sides agreed to settle their issues out of court. [More]
pepperidge farm

Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Crackers To Come In Boxed Mac ‘n’ Cheese Form
Are you a fan of Pepperidge Farm’s goldfish crackers (who isn’t?) but wish you could have orange, fish-shaped food products at more meals? As of Monday, you’re in luck! That’s when boxed macaroni and cheese mixes featuring the famous fish silhouette swam into Walmart stores across the country. [More]

Package Vs. Reality: This Pepperidge Farm Milano Melts Cookie Is Severely Lacking
The cookie on the package for Pepperidge Farm’s Milano Melts “Dark Classic Creme” cookie is just oooooozing chocolate goodness. You can almost taste it. Sadly, that is all you’re likely to taste when you bite into the real thing. [More]