Sears really didn’t need any more problems, financial or otherwise. Yet the company does have a problem that doesn’t involve its loss of $1.7 billion last year, run-down stores, fleeing customers, and alleged problems with suppliers? The company’s employee pension plan also isn’t doing very well, which has been another drain on the company’s finances. [More]

Are Pension Advance Companies The New Payday Loan Lender?
While many consumers who are short on cash between paychecks might seek help from the often predatory payday lending industry, more and more retirees are turning to their equivalent – pension advance lenders – when struggling to make ends meet, sometime with devastating results. [More]

Longer Lifespans: Great For Humans, Bad For Pension Funds
Most people would think it’s good news that Americans are living longer than ever. We want to live for a long time, and we are also fond of our elder relatives and friends and want to keep them around. Do you know who’s cursing the longevity of senior citizens? Pension administrators. [More]

Feds Warn Consumers Against Taking Pension Advances
Unfortunately, not everyone currently in retirement has enough cash on hand to stay afloat, even those fortunate enough to receive a pension from their former employer. That’s why it might be tempting to solve a short-term money problem by taking out a pension advance, which pays you a lump sum now for signing over your pension payments to the lender for anywhere from a few years to a decade. Today, the Federal Trade Commission warned consumers to think twice before agreeing to one of these loans. [More]

Ask Tax Dad: Doula Deductions, Pension Distributions, And The Sandwich Generation
Historically, our staff Certified Tax Cat has handled readers’ questions about taxes, but he took feline early retirement and hung up his oversized eyeglasses. Filling in for him is Laura’s dad, a retired accountant and real live independent tax preparer. Exclusively on Consumerist, Tax Dad answers your questions. [More]

For a Cause, Stewardesses Take Naughty Poses
United Airline attendants are stripping to their skivvies and draping themselves over WWII trainer planes, to raise money and awareness about retiring stewardesses being stripped of their pensions.