
eBay Scammer Says PC "Destroyed" In Mail, Takes $500, Sends Back "Destroyed" PC Minus Parts

eBay Scammer Says PC "Destroyed" In Mail, Takes $500, Sends Back "Destroyed" PC Minus Parts

By exploiting loopholes in their policies, scammers are using eBay, Paypal and UPS to rip unsuspecting sellers off, like reader Chad. The buyer reported the item as “destroyed” and demanded and got a refund from Paypal. When the buyer shipped it back to Chad and he opened it, he found there was nothing wrong with it – except that the scammer had removed the memory, processor and hard drive. Now Chad is out $500 and left with a shell of a computer, and since the item was “received” Paypal won’t do anything. His sad tale, inside…

Carbonmade Quickly Responds To Error, Fixes It In Less Than 4 Hours

Carbonmade Quickly Responds To Error, Fixes It In Less Than 4 Hours

As the economy tanks, we keep seeing examples of companies cutting more corners on customer service, and especially becoming less cooperative when it comes to resolving a problem that involves billing. That’s why it’s nice to see a business not only respond quickly, but in favor of the customer. (It’s probably no surprise to you that it’s a small business and not a corporation.)


EBay today announced that their net earnings fell 31% last quarter. You’d think in this economy, shoppers would be drawn to the potentially lower prices of eBay—after all, Amazon apparently did just fine. Are the headaches of dealing with eBay/PayPal outweighing the potential savings? [WSJ]

Secret Phone Numbers And Email Addresses To Reach Executives At 101+ Companies

Secret Phone Numbers And Email Addresses To Reach Executives At 101+ Companies

Inside, email addresses, phone numbers, and addresses for over 100 different companies to inject your customer service complaints into their corporate executive offices, and get it well on the way to success.

I Literally Placed My PS3 In A Scammer's Hands

I Literally Placed My PS3 In A Scammer's Hands

Herman’s tale of eBay/Paypal buyer fraud is unusual because he not only met the scammer in person, he placed his item right in the guy’s hands. Here’s what happened:

How A Nigerian Steals Your Laptop

How A Nigerian Steals Your Laptop

Molly’s laptop was stolen, and the thief didn’t even break into her house, or snag it from her at a coffeeshop, or hold a knife to her neck in a darkened alley. No, her laptop was stolen via email. In fact, she mailed it to thief, in Africa. OMG, you’re probably saying to yourself right now with your hands up by your face, how could this be? Discover the horrifying true story, inside…

$50 Import Charge For eBay Items From USA To Canada?

Inquiring readers named Kurt want to know: If a buyer from Canada buys something from someone in America on eBay, pays for it, including shipping, and then it shows up with a $50 C.O.D. charge for imports and customs, is that kosher? Discuss…

Blockbuster Double Dips In PayPal Account; Naturally, PayPal Does Nothing

Blockbuster Double Dips In PayPal Account; Naturally, PayPal Does Nothing

Blockbuster debited Anthony’s PayPal account two days in a row for the same monthly plan. PayPal won’t help—they say it’s between Blockbuster and Anthony, offering further proof that PayPal is a great service only as long as nothing goes wrong.

eBay To Be Credit Card, PayPal Only

eBay To Be Credit Card, PayPal Only

The word is that eBay is banning checks and money orders, and buyers will have to use PayPal or (if the seller has a credit card merchant account or an account with a service called ProPay), credit cards.

PayPal Refunds $50 Defraud, Sics Collections On You

PayPal Refunds $50 Defraud, Sics Collections On You

Last year, fraudulently took $50 from reader Adam’s Paypal account. He disputed the charge, Paypal agreed it was fraud and returned the funds, and Adam closed the account. Now all of a sudden Paypal’s internal collections agency is calling up Adam and making rude and insistent demands that he pay this $50 immediately.

Paypal Declares Chris Pirillo Stole $450 From Himself

Paypal Declares Chris Pirillo Stole $450 From Himself

Someone hacked into super-famous blogger Chris Pirillo’s PayPal account and bought $450 worth of iTunes cards. On his birthday, no less. After a review Paypal declared to him,”We have completed our investigation of your claim and have determined that this is not an instance of unauthorized account activity.”

EBay & PayPal Phishing Gone For Good On Gmail and Yahoo?

EBay & PayPal Phishing Gone For Good On Gmail and Yahoo?

If your email account is with Google or Yahoo, your days of seeing phishing emails from fake eBay or PayPal addresses should be over. Google announced last week that it’s now using DomainKeys to verify messages really do come from or—if they don’t, they never even make it to your In Box. This is possible because eBay and PayPal are now making sure “that all their email is signed with DomainKeys and DKIM.” Since Yahoo! also uses DomainKeys and DKIM (they developed it, in fact), phishing attacks for Yahoo! Mail accounts should also disappear.


eBay says it will improve the consumer protections offered by PayPal. The AP says, “buyers who pay for items with PayPal will be eligible for full refunds, with no cap, if a seller fails to deliver an item as promised.” The changes are expected to take place this fall. [NYT]

Worst Company In America 2008 "Sweet 16": eBay/Paypal VS Capital One

Worst Company In America 2008 "Sweet 16": eBay/Paypal VS Capital One

Here’s your fourth “Sweet 16” match-up: #20 Ebay/PayPal VS #36 Capital One.

All The Secret Paypal/Ebay Email Addresses And Phone Numbers You Could Ever Want

All The Secret Paypal/Ebay Email Addresses And Phone Numbers You Could Ever Want

Here are over 450 pieces of internal email addresses and phone numbers to reach a real live human at Paypal/eBay. Anyone who has ever experienced Paypal unfairly freezing their funds, Paypal siding with someone who scammed them and losing money because of it, Paypal seizing funds from their bank account or credit card without permission, or just the simple impenetrable, rude, and useless customer service can surely appreciate this list. There’s contact info for executive relations, high executives, practically every department, and more, both US and international. The information comes courtesy of, a site started by a man who says Paypal wrongfully denied access to his funds for four years. I guess that’s how long it takes to track down every single piece of Paypal contact info. He got his money back eventually, and you can too, with the email addresses and phone numbers inside…

Round 39: Sallie Mae vs eBay/Paypal

This is Round 39 in our Worst Company in America contest, Sallie Mae vs eBay/Paypal!

Seller Gets Scammed On Ebay, PayPal Won't Help

Seller Gets Scammed On Ebay, PayPal Won't Help

Matt just got his first taste of Ebay, and it wasn’t good—as soon as he mailed off the Best Buy gift card to the buyer, the buyer reversed payment on Matt’s PayPal account and stopped communicating with him. We’re pretty sure he’s screwed on this one, but does anyone have any good advice for what he can do next?

This Buyer's Experience Pretty Much Sums Up What's Wrong With Ebay

This Buyer's Experience Pretty Much Sums Up What's Wrong With Ebay

Veteran Ebay buyer/seller Monty has just come off a triple play of misrepresented auctions, each from a different seller, and has had zero luck getting things straightened out with any of them.