Given the possibility of theft, damage, and loss, packing your laptop in a checked bag is not a good idea to begin with. Even so, travelers continue to stow their computers and other large electronics in their checked luggage. But that could come to an end, now that the Federal Aviation Administration has urged airlines around the world to stop this practice, citing the fire and explosion risk posed by the batteries in these devices. [More]

Laptop Ban On U.S.-Bound Flights On Royal Jordanian, Kuwait Airways Lifted
Two additional Middle East airlines are now exempt from the Department of Transportation’s ban on laptops and other personal electronics put in place in March: Royal Jordanian and Kuwait Airways became the latest carriers to have the in-cabin laptop ban lifted. [More]

Dog Goes On 3,600 Mile Journey After United Puts Him On Wrong Flight
In just a few days, one puppy did more flying than many adults will do in a year, traveling on four different planes for a total of 3,600 miles — all because United Airlines put him on the wrong flight. [More]

TSA PreCheck On Hold Over Cybersecurity Issues
As passengers waited in seemingly endless lines to get through airport security this summer, the Transportation Safety Administration encouraged travelers to sign up for its PreCheck program, which offers expedited screening. The TSA set a goal of enrolling 25 million Americans, but a lack of personnel and “cybersecurity risks” have jolted those plans to a standstill. [More]

Sour Over Failed Bid For Virgin America, JetBlue Gives Away Free Tickets
You’ve probably seen your fair share of those “(Airline Name) giving away (X number) free tickets if you share this post” promotions that infiltrate social media but are actually bogus. In a new twist — and a ploy to bring over loyal passengers of Virgin America after its announced a $4 billion merger with Alaska Airlines — JetBlue really is offering consumers the chance to win one of 500 free tickets from the carrier, no Facebook required. [More]

Traveler Complaints About Airlines Increased Nearly 30% Last Year
While airlines might not be leaping at the chance to tell customers how to file complaints about their service, that hasn’t stopped more travelers from sharing their tales of woe with the Department of Transportation. In fact, the number of complaints filed by beleaguered passengers increased by nearly 30% last year. [More]

American Airlines Will Give You Free Treats At The Gate If Your Flight Is Delayed For At Least Two Hours
Would a bag of pretzels or a can of soda placate you if your flight were delayed for two hours? American Airlines hopes that’s all it’ll take. [More]

American Airlines Bringing Back Free Snacks, Meals On Some Flights
Nearly two months after United Airlines said it would turn back the clock and start providing passengers with free nibbles, American Airlines is also jumping on the snack bandwagon, once again offering complimentary treats — and, on some flights, free meals — to economy-class travelers. [More]

Delta Pilots Turn Plane Around To Pick Up Passengers Traveling To Funeral
For the most part, when a gate agent closes the door to a plane, that’s it, you’re out of luck. But that wasn’t the case for a family traveling to a funeral via Delta Air Lines earlier this month. The pilots of the plane, which had already pulled away from the gate, returned to pick up the grieving passengers. [More]

United Airlines Bringing Back Free Snacks For Economy Passengers
United Airlines appears to be bringing back the glory days of flying. Okay, not the ’60s-esque glory days, but the other ones: when you didn’t have to shell out $5 (or more) for a bag of chips. The carrier announced today that it’s leveling the snacking playing field by once again offering economy passengers free nibbles. [More]

United Airlines Offers On-Time Guarantee For Corporate Travelers, Probably Won’t Have To Actually Pay Anything
With accusations that airlines have padded flight schedules to improve on-time performance stats still fresh, one carrier is hoping to prove it’s all about valuing your time — as long as you’re a big corporate client. United Airlines launched a new reliability guarantee for some business travelers, promising to get them to their destination on-time or it will provide them with credits for upgrades and fees. [More]