You just finished watching (or re-watching) Breaking Bad on Netflix, what do you watch next? Perhaps, Switched At Birth? Wait, what? While you might not see the connection between a show about a high school chemistry teacher dabbling in the drug trade and a family drama about two teens switched at birth, the streaming service’s recommendation algorithm does — at least in the case of my viewing habits. [More]
Original content

Report: Apple Is Going Shopping For Original Content With $1B To Spend
Months after rumors first started swirling that Apple was looking into buying its own original content to bolster its Apple Music platform, a new report indicates that the tech giant might be ready to go shopping — with $1 billion to burn. [More]

Is A Content Bubble Responsible For Netflix’s $20B In Debt?
You’ve got to spend money to make money. That appears to be the mantra over at Netflix, where the DVD-by-mail service turned mega-streaming outlet has racked up nearly $20 billion in debt expanding its platform to new areas, producing original content, and buying the rights to show other company’s movies and TV shows. [More]

Netflix’s Original Shows Are More Popular Than Those From Amazon, Hulu
Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu all offer a good deal of original content — shows and movies that now compete for traditional TV for eyeballs and awards. But according to one recent analysis, one streaming service is doing a much better job of getting folks to tune into its original shows — mostly because it has so many of them. [More]

Starbucks Dabbling In Original Content With Documentary Series
Starbucks is supposed to be the place that “content creators” go to hog table space and spend hours working on that novel/screenplay/memoir that they know is inside them. Apparently the coffee chain has also been bitten by the content-creating bug, as it plans to launch a new online documentary series. [More]

YouTube Launching New Kid-Friendly App With Original Episodes Of Popular Children’s Shows
YouTube, long geared toward people ages 13 and over, plans to cater to an even younger crowd with an upcoming kid’s app that will provide original episodes of popular children’s show like Sesame Street and Reading Rainbow. [More]