It’s not a good sign when you’re a fast-casual restaurant, and your company’s own chairman wonders whether he should just have just stayed home and had leftovers for lunch instead of driving there. Panera Bread Co.’s Ron Shaich realized that other people would ask themselves the same question, and made changes to the ordering process that are finally paying off. [More]

Your McDonald’s Could Soon Offer Touch-Screen Ordering & Table Service
Last December, McDonald’s began showing a fancier side by testing table service at hundreds of locations in California. Now the company is rolling out its so-called “experience of the future” concept — which also includes touch-screen kiosk ordering but not all-you-can-eat fries — to all of its U.S. locations. [More]

You Can Apparently Now Tell Your Amazon Echo To Order A Pizza
Not in the mood to call, go online, or send an emoji text or Tweet to order pizza? How about just yelling your order at the speaker in your living room? Now you can, at least if that speaker is the Amazon Echo, and you want Domino’s. [More]

Throwing Cold Chicken Nuggets At The Burger King Manager Won’t Get You New Ones
For the most part, when ordering a meal from a fast food joint one usually expects to receive a bag full of hot items. That apparently wasn’t the case for an Iowa woman who allegedly threw chicken nuggets and fries at the restaurant’s manager because they were cold. [More]

Taco Bell Officially Testing Delivery Service At 200 Restaurants
Back in May, Taco Bell confirmed it was starting small tests that delivered chalupas, Doritos Locos Tacos and other grub in areas full of hungry college students. Now, the fast food company is taking things a step farther, beginning a pilot delivery option in certain areas of the country. [More]

Man Tries To Buy From "The Camera Professionals," Fails
“The Camera Professionals” are not actually that professional, nor do they have cameras to sell you. That’s what ZDNet reporter Josh Taylor discovered when he decided to take their Google AdWord bait and buy a camcorder they were offering for nearly $300 less than other stores. He didn’t expect much success, and he was richly rewarded:

Sam's Club Charges More For Bulk Check Purchases
An alert reader noticed that something looked fishy on the Sam’s Club order screen when he was ordering new checks—if you decide to order double the number of checks, your price-per-box magically goes up the tiniest bit. We figure the amount is so small that most people don’t even notice it, or they notice it but figure they’ll still save time and shipping so it’s worth the 3-5 cents extra. Still, it’s a sneaky thing for a bulk discount store to do.

$100 iPhone Credit Mysteriously Evaporates
Dawn writes to tell us that she and her husband both received the $100 iPhone credits last fall, but when she tried to use them on December 4th she discovered one of the credits had a zero balance. An Apple CSR told her to go ahead and make her purchase without it, and the $100 would be credited immediately to her Visa. Unfortunately, she took his advice.

Apple Files Patent App To Allow Wireless Ordering At Stores
Apple has applied to patent a wireless ordering system that would allow shoppers to place orders from, for example, their iPhones as they approached, oh, let’s say a Starbucks, bypassing an ordering line altogether and going straight to the pick-up counter. The system would also allow stores to keep data on repeat customers to speed up future transactions.