Derek lives quite a distance from Lenscrafters, but he went there for his latest glasses because he always has. That’s fair enough. What he didn’t expect, though, was to find an understaffed shop that was seemingly unable to get his glasses right, and unable to even give him a call to save him a trip when they broke his waiting glasses. [More]

Optician Takes 2 Years Of Bungled Prescription Very Seriously
WHO: Specsavers
WHAT: A little girl suffered blurred vision, headaches, and nausea for two years after opticians mixed up the prescriptions for her left and right eyes. When the mother took the glasses back, the staff told her it was a normal reaction to the new glasses and would soon pass.

Don't Spend $1,000 On $8 Glasses
Most people spend too much on glasses, failing to shop around even though they are legally entitled to take their prescription anywhere. Local opticians usually provide the best service, but offer the worst deals. 147 million Americans might save on glasses by following these simple tips from the Chicago Tribune:
More Footage Of Scuzzy Optician Attacking Reporter
The power of submitting complaints to investigative reporters. Sometimes the journalist will gadfly the offender into making a complete ass of himself on international television. — BEN POPKEN
VIDEO: Counterfeit Glasses Dealer Attacks Reporter And Throws Snowballs
First Adam Plimer opens the door really quickly, hitting 75-year-old investigative reporter Peter Silverman in the head. Plimer screams, “Oh, I’m sorry, did I hit you?” Silverman puts his dukes up. Plimer dares Silverman to hit him in the face and shouts, “Go on, get the fuck out of here, I’m sick of you.” Seeing Plimer’s violence, Silverman tries to keep him in the store. Plimer breaks out and throws snowballs at the camera crew and a TCC inspector, yelling, “Get the fuck out of here.” The cops arrive. Plimer opens the door to shout the same obscenities at them. Then a sort of Canadian SWAT team arrives in riot gear. Eventually, they arrest Plimer.