A woman in California was arrested for burglary in a RadioShack store (yes, there are still RadioShack stores) but here’s the thing: the front door had been left unlocked overnight. Police were summoned because triggered a silent alarm inside the store, and the cops said they found the woman inside when they arrived, taking merchandise. An employee apparently had set the alarm, but forgotten to lock the actual door. [CBS Sacramento] (Warning: auto-play video at that link) [More]
open door policy

Learn How To Properly Kick Down A Door
In the movies, bashing down doors always looks so easy. But attempting the feat in real life, without the proper knowledge of how to do it, is a great way to wind up in the hospital. [More]

Should FedEx Have Walked Into My House To Deliver Package?
Sam had an odd experience with FedEx back in February. He writes that when he didn’t come to the door right away, instead of leaving the package on the porch, the deliveryman just opened the door and walked in. This confused Sam a bit, and he wrote to Consumerist asking what he should do. [More]