

EBay today announced that their net earnings fell 31% last quarter. You’d think in this economy, shoppers would be drawn to the potentially lower prices of eBay—after all, Amazon apparently did just fine. Are the headaches of dealing with eBay/PayPal outweighing the potential savings? [WSJ] "White Glove Delivery" Will Open Box, Place Gently On Table "White Glove Delivery" Will Open Box, Place Gently On Table

Amazon’s “White Glove Delivery” seems primarily aimed to combat the sordid state of big-box retail; hand-delivering products, mostly televisions, into your home. However, if you follow their logic, I am not sure it exactly pans out.

Best Buy's Stock Magically Replenishes (Once You  Buy it Online)

Best Buy's Stock Magically Replenishes (Once You Buy it Online)

Sometimes, we get a tip in that rides the line between malignant incompetence and stupid mistake. I’m not really sure which one this next one counts as, so I’ll let you decide.


Today only, receive a “free” Suave product (a $3 coupon good for “Suave Shampoo, Conditioner, Hair Spray, Styling Aid, BodyWash, or Body Lotion”). [Suavenomics via Bargainist]


Ready to apply for Social Security benefits? You can now apply online. [UCAN via unclefatlips]

Identical Fake Testimonial Diet Sites Spreading Like Herpes

Identical Fake Testimonial Diet Sites Spreading Like Herpes

On Monday, Meg alerted you to a BBB warning about Acai sellers doing scammy things to consumers. Now Donna has tipped us off to a slew of identical websites that have sprouted up online, featuring Everyday Women Like You And Me with names like Jenny, Sarah, Nancy, and Amy, and who all look like the same blonde model. They’ve all lost pounds, too! How? With “My 2 Step Formula,” that’s how!

LiftSift Helps You Find A Ski Lift In Your Budget

LiftSift Helps You Find A Ski Lift In Your Budget

Nate at Idea Shower (responsible for the awesome Read It Later Firefox extension) has created a nifty online tool to help you narrow down your ski and snowboard destinations. Visit, adjust a few sliders to set your price range, vertical rise, and location, and compare away. The data behind the service is public so that users can add new locations or make updates when lift prices change.

Giant List Of Online Legal Resources Will Keep You Half-Educated, Annoy Your Lawyer

Giant List Of Online Legal Resources Will Keep You Half-Educated, Annoy Your Lawyer

Thanks to the Internet, with a single Google search and some creative guesswork you can diagnose pretty much any disease you want. Yes, this has made the world of medicine entirely unnecessary, but what about the legal profession? Surely the web can replace that too!


A list of online tech help sites. [New York Times]

WISdomestics Blames Competitors For Its Own Misleading Vibrator Copy

WISdomestics Blames Competitors For Its Own Misleading Vibrator Copy

Jen ordered a product on Amazon, but what arrived in the shipment was significantly less than what was promised.


If you have an account with Mint, and you’ve enabled mobile alerts, you can now text “Bal” or “Balance” to 696-468 (MyMint) and receive a summary of all of your accounts. [Mint]

Why You Should Never Order Anything From

Why You Should Never Order Anything From

Mike sent us two stories of back-to-back merchandise fiascos with orders he placed on for in-store pickup. What’s worse, the problems can’t just be blamed on a lone rotten employee, or attributed to bad luck—several Sears stores were involved. Our verdict: there’s something seriously messed up with the Sears fulfillment chain, and it’s not worth your time or energy to bother with it. But you knew that already, right?

NWV Direct Caught Pulling Bait And Switch, Tries To Backpedal

NWV Direct Caught Pulling Bait And Switch, Tries To Backpedal

Joshua caught New World Video Direct trying to pull a bait and switch on him with a recent order, so he canceled it and gave them a bad review on They contacted him to ask if he’d remove the rating. Joshua wrote back to decline, but he reminded them that it’s actually pretty simple to develop a decent reputation as retailer: “If you want to have anyone trust you as a business you have to only list items you plan to sell for the price you plan to sell them at.”

Walmart Decides To Honor DRM-Protected MP3 Purchases After All, At Least For Now

Walmart Decides To Honor DRM-Protected MP3 Purchases After All, At Least For Now

Last month, Walmart announced it was shutting down the DRM side of its online music store, and too bad if you were a customer, because they were also going to turn off the DRM server that authorized your music for playback. Apparently enough customers complained, because they came to their senses—at least for the time being—and decided to keep the server running. Read their email below.

Maximize Your Netflix Membership With FeedFlix

Maximize Your Netflix Membership With FeedFlix

We first discovered the very useful FeedFlix back in May, and since then the site’s been updated to present more data on how well you utilize your Netflix membership. By pasting in any of your private Netflix RSS feeds, you’ll see a breakdown of your activity stats, like how long on average you keep titles and your average cost-per-rental. A handy new feature is the “email alerts” function, where you’ll receive a weekly reminder if you’ve kept a title past a certain number of days. We’ve included a screenshot below.

Test Your Personal Finance Skills With These Quizzes

Test Your Personal Finance Skills With These Quizzes

Kiplinger has two quizzes named “Financial Truth or Bunk?“, and they go through some of the more popular tips you’ve heard about personal finance, including lines like:

  • You can’t lose money investing in bonds.
  • Stay-at-home moms or dads need life insurance, too.
  • Don’t buy a red car — it’ll cost more to insure.
  • Dollar-cost averaging boosts investment returns.
  • The percentage of stock in your portfolio should equal 100 minus your age.
Pandora, Other Internet Radio Stations May Survive After All

Pandora, Other Internet Radio Stations May Survive After All

Assuming negotiations succeed, you’ll have your Pandora to listen to after all. On Tuesday, Congress passed the Webcaster Settlement Act, which gives Internet radio stations like Pandora until February 2009 to reach a new royalty agreement with copyright holders; if they meet the deadline, the government will not interfere, which is great news since it was the gov’s Copyright Royalty Board (CRB) that set the current market-killing fees in the first place.

Walmart Shuts Down Music Store, Deactivates DRM-Protected Songs

Walmart Shuts Down Music Store, Deactivates DRM-Protected Songs

Last week, Walmart sent out emails to its online music store customers letting them know that on October 9th, 2008, they will no longer be able to play any DRM-crippled tracks. Unlike Yahoo, which did the right thing by offering free replacement downloads of unprotected songs when they killed their DRM program, Walmart simply brags about its new unlicensed model and tells you to burn your protected tracks to CD if you really want to listen to them in the future. Good job, Walmart, there goes another betrayed consumer into the welcoming arms of digital piracy. And another. And another…