online shopping, Undone by Lazy Customer Service, Undone by Lazy Customer Service

UPDATE: We’ve reconsidered. We messed up. We came across like stupid whiny bitches. We tried to abuse the power of blogs to get what we wanted. There was a good way to go about this, and an asshat way, we chose the latter. We’re sorry, Threadless, Shondi, Consumerist readers and all witnesses of this online travesty. Egg on the face while eating crow, scooped in with our own foot, really. You can keep reading further if you’re the type who enjoys slow-moving car accidents.

UPDATE: Soho Store a Scam?

Last Friday, we wrote about the online “Soho Store” offering some obscene discounts on iPods (10 60gb video iPods for $2699!, an over $1000 discount off MSRP). We just thought it was too good a deal to be true.

Soho Store a Scam?

Soho Store a Scam?

Ten 60 gb iPods for $2699? Why that’s over a grand in savings from the retail price. How do they do it? Well, we have no conclusive proof but we’re pretty sure the “Soho Store” website is a total fraud.

Shopping in the Valley of the Amazons

Shopping in the Valley of the Amazons

Amazon Marketplace is awesome but perils lurk among the shadows of the the merchant’s stalls…

Great Moments in Corporate Web Presence: Samsonite

After hours of pixel scraping and vector mapping, it seems some web developers of online shopping sites get a bit of a hardon. Wally writes:

Buying Bargain Nokia Bears Bitter Ironies

Buying Bargain Nokia Bears Bitter Ironies

It’s time for The Consumerist to play matchmaker.

Sears’ Left Hand Doesn’t Know What Right is Wanking. It’s You.

Sears’ Left Hand Doesn’t Know What Right is Wanking. It’s You.

Cam needed a wet-dry vac and decided to shop Sears, as he’s had agreeable shopping experiences with them in the past. He went online and found they had a 9 gallon vacuum on sale for $49.99, which was $10 down from the regular price. Blithe confidence in the retailer’s ability to honor the same price, he waltzed on over (if you’ve never seen 6 cylinders doing 3/4 time, it’s truly a sight to behold) to his local Sear’s store. He writes: Predicts NCAA Win Predicts NCAA Win

Jeff Bezos knows something about tonight’s NCAA basketball championship game the rest of us don’t.

NYC eSmoke Shoppers Burn City, Bloomberg Seeks Back-taxes

NYC eSmoke Shoppers Burn City, Bloomberg Seeks Back-taxes

Thousands of New York City consumers who purchased cigarettes from will be forced to collectively cough up $33 million in unpaid taxes.

Target Wants to Sell You a ‘Monkey Full Bedskirt’

Target Wants to Sell You a ‘Monkey Full Bedskirt’

A strange glitch on the online Target gift registry service is causing one bride-to-be’s registry to display something odd. Right next to “Pyrex 16-pc. Starter Set” and “KitchenAid 2-qt. Red Teakettle” there’s a skillet listed as “Monkey Full Bedskirt.”