In a current ad for Old Spice shampoos, a man’s hair charms a female co-worker, and she writes down her phone number. One viewer of the ad noticed something strange about that number: it was toll-free. More importantly, why didn’t it use 555 for the first three digits like most fictional phone numbers do? There was only one thing to do: call the number and find out. [More]
old spice

Single Bodywash Bottle Trying Not To Be Jealous Of Bottle Couples Selling For Less On Same Shelf
Hear those woebegone sighs? They’re the lonely exhalations of a row of “Man-Sized” Old Spice bodywash bottles on the shelf at a Maryland Walmart. See, they’re sad because they know the discerning consumer will skip all 946ml of “Fiji” wash for $7.47 and head straight for the two-bottle value pack with the same amount of product for only $6.97. [More]

Shrink Ray Blasts Old Spice Deodorant, Leading To Stench And Sadness
Andrew is a regular user of Old Spice deodorant, so he noticed when a packaging change also meant a sizing change. And no, it was not the same brand/fragrance scramble that led another Old Spice user to think that his deodorant, too, had fallen prey to the shrink ray. Nope. This is the same product. [More]

Old Spice Shaves Off .25 Ounces Of Deodorant, Sells For Same Price…Or Does It?
Christopher wrote to us with a tale of deodorant woe. Old Spice, part of Procter & Gamble, repackaged his favorite deodorant product, Old Spice Pure Sport, and skimmed a quarter of an ounce off the top while they were at it. Oh no they didn’t! And…well, actually, they didn’t. The problem isn’t so much that Christopher was too hasty to call the packaging change a case of the Grocery Shrink Ray. It’s that Old Spice’s branding is kind of confusing. [More]

P&G Apologizes, Has An Actual Reason For Old Spice Deodorant Shrinkage
Consumerist reader Jordan recently copied us on an email he wrote to Procter & Gamble, shaming them for performing the grocery shrink ray on his favorite Old Spice deodorant. But before we could even post his tale of outrage, he received a reasonable explanation and an apology from P&G. Imagine that! [More]

Behind The Scenes Of The New Old Spice Commercial
Here’s a behind the scenes look at how they made the new Old Spice commercial where the guy goes from Tahiti to the Alps to his home pleasure pad. I thought they did it all with fancy computer mouse clicks, but actually it’s all shot in one take with a lot of wires and props and set pieces that slide in and out. It’s pretty fantastic, but I would have liked to see the interviewer ask the talent, Isiah “Mr. Old Spice” Mustafa, what thinks about the fact that he is going to go through the rest of his life with people asking if they can smell him. [More]

TV Commercials Getting Shorter, But Are They Getting Any Less Crappy?
In case you hadn’t noticed as you fast-forwarded through the ad breaks while watching Biggest Loser, a growing number of those ads you’re not watching are now half the length of the ads you used to have to sit through in the days before DVRs. [More]

Axe Billboard Tries To Dismount Old Spice's "I'm On A Horse"
Gag-inducing man-spray Axe is fighting back at Old Spice’s recent buzzed about, equestrian-themed campaign with this billboard that says “Axe is for men who’d rather be with a woman than on a horse.” [More]

College Library Parodies Old Spice Commercials To Coax Students From Dorm Rooms
I’m a college librarian by training. One of the challenges in the profession right now is convincing students who have grown up with instantaneous access to information from home that a library has something to offer them. Brigham Young University’s Harold B. Lee Library reached out to students by producing a video that shows off library resources and looks awfully…. familiar. [More]

How On Earth Did They Make That Old Spice Commercial?
A new commercial in Old Spice’s “the man your man could smell like” series of ads hit the airwaves and the Internets this week. If you’re not delighted, you should be. The commercials are silly, visually interesting, and–according to their star, the very visually interesting actor Isaiah Mustafa–surprisingly low-tech behind the scenes. [More]

Old Spice Hits New Low, Sponsors "Swagger" Stat In Madden NFL Game
A couple weeks back, we discussed the growing trend of in-game ads in video games. And while it’s nothing new for sports games to feature sponsors in the background, the ad folks at Old Spice are breaking new ground, not just sponsoring a portion of the game, but completely fabricating a new statistic — swagger — to slap their name on. [More]

Now You Get To Pay To Be Advertised To As You Play Games
Three Old Spice-themed games have lurched onto Xbox Live. Advergames are nothing new on the console, but what’s audacious about this new set of games is you actually have to pay for them, Joystiq reports. [More]