
85% Of Gas Stations In Nashville, TN Are Without Gas Right Now

85% Of Gas Stations In Nashville, TN Are Without Gas Right Now

East Tennessee and Middle Tennessee both primarily receive fuel supplies through spurs of the Colonial pipeline, which carries refined gasoline from the Texas Gulf Coast to the Northeast. [Hurricane] Ike damaged and knocked out power to many of those refineries, cutting the amount of gasoline fed into the pipeline.

Oil Prices Down But Airline Fees Remain

Oil Prices Down But Airline Fees Remain

Airlines have added all sorts of fees to compensate for their increased oil costs recently. Now that oil has dropped, the fees are gone, right? Nope. Now that we’re all acclimated to a la carte pricing, which airlines have lusted to implement for ages, don’t expect it to be going away anytime soon. $2 fee to have the window open, $4 to have it shut.

United: Did We Say $25 For The Second Bag? How About $50.

United: Did We Say $25 For The Second Bag? How About $50.

United Airlines has decided that $25 was too generous a price to check your second bag with their airline, and have announced that they’ll be bumping the fee up to $50.

Minerals Management Service Take Pay-For-Offshore-Oil-Play Scandal "Extremely Seriously"

Minerals Management Service Take Pay-For-Offshore-Oil-Play Scandal "Extremely Seriously"

THE QUOTE: In an interview, MMS Director Randall Luthi said the agency took the report “extremely seriously”

American Driving Declines By Steepest Amount In 100 Years

From November to June, American driving dropped by 53.2 billion miles, according to the Department of Transportation. Billion. 53.2 billion fewer miles. That’s insane, and kind of beautiful. [NYT]

Save Money By Starting A Fuel Oil Coop

Save Money By Starting A Fuel Oil Coop

To save money on heating costs this winter, consider joining or starting a fuel oil co-op. What’s that?

Malicious Oil Change? Jiffy Lube Ruined My Oil Plug "On Purpose"

Malicious Oil Change? Jiffy Lube Ruined My Oil Plug "On Purpose"

Reader Andrew says he’s certain that Jiffy Lube purposefully filed down his oil plug so that he couldn’t change his oil himself. Conspiracy? Or incompetance? You decide.

Oil Prices Drop, Sadly

Oil Prices Drop, Sadly

The price of oil dropped $2.19 today, to $117.91, spurring a stock market and dollar rally. Sounds like good news. Except that it’s dropping because the market thinks more people won’t be able to afford to drive their cars as much. Who’s up for a “staycation?”

Exxon Posts The Highest Profit Ever By Any U.S. Company In Any Industry, But It's Not Enough

Exxon Posts The Highest Profit Ever By Any U.S. Company In Any Industry, But It's Not Enough

Exxon made $11.68 billion in the second quarter, says the AP, which is “the biggest profit from operations ever by any U.S. corporation,” but that wasn’t quite enough to please investors, who were disappointed.

Visine Would Cost $1,021 If You Bought By Gallon

Visine Would Cost $1,021 If You Bought By Gallon

You cringe over the price of a gallon of gas, but what about a gallon of Visine? An article in the September issue of ShopSmart shows that if you bought the eye drops by the gallon, the price would be $1,021. Steak sauce? $48. Secret Platinum, $189. Obviously, no one buys Visine by the gallon, except for maybe Cyclops (hey, that stick still burns). Similiarly, except for hobbyists, no one buys a dropper of gasoline. And there are cost-savings by selling and buying items in bulk. Still, makes you think…


The WSJ Buzzwatch blog has a list of 50 things that are being blamed on the high cost of oil. Not all of them are bad, apparently my hometown of Elgin, IL is getting a new wind-turbine parts plant. [WSJ Buzzwatch via Kottke]


The current standby policies of 12 airlines. Free standby is going… going… [Dan’s Deals]

Midwest Airlines CEO Takes 40% Pay Cut

Midwest Airlines CEO Takes 40% Pay Cut

CEO Timothy Hoeksema will accept a pay cut of 40% as Midwest Airlines attempts to cut costs. From The Business Journal of Milwaukee:

Don't Drink Lamp Oil Or You'll Die

Don't Drink Lamp Oil Or You'll Die

Lamp oil manufacturers have issued a new warning: don’t drink lamp oil. The TV says someone died recently after doing so. Not sure what the story is, but like other household products, it’s important to keep them in their proper containers. For instance, some colored lamp oils can look like cranberry juice. Here are some other poisons and the foods they can look like.


A Consumer Reports study finds that 79% of consumers surveyed say they plan on buying a car with better fuel economy. [Consumer Reports]


To beat high oil prices, an Indiana man Greg Losh, has built an oil well in his back yard. The oil comes from the Trenton oil field and produces 3 barrels a day. The project cost $100,000. He plans to build 4 more. [WLKY]


Oil has hit a new high of $126 a barrel. If you listen quietly you can hear the sound of Delta and United softly weeping. [AP]


Oil is now $117 a barrel, a record high. [ABC News]