The ever-expanding pool of oil once known as the Gulf of Mexico isn’t just crushing the local fishing industry; it’s also caused many couples who had planned waterfront weddings on the beaches of the Florida Panhandle to move their nuptials further inland. [More]
oil disasters

BP Document Puts Early Spill Estimate At Up To 100K Barrels A Day
Though British Petroleum’s own CEO has made public statements like “The amount of volume of oil and dispersant we are putting into [the Gulf of Mexico] is tiny in relation to the total water volume,” and the always classic “The environmental impact of this disaster is likely to be very, very modest,” a recently released internal document shows that BP’s initial estimates of the ongoing oil spill were outright apocalyptic. [More]

Gulf Oil Spill Ruining July 4th Fireworks For Louisiana Town
With the summer of 2010 shaping up to be not exactly peachy for many towns on the Gulf of Mexico as they watch balls of oil drift toward their shores, a number of folks in the region won’t even have their traditional July 4 fireworks to look forward to. [More]

Report: BP Putting $20 Billion Aside For Paying Oil Spill Victims
As reported late last week, British Petroleum had set an early estimate of $14 billion for payouts to workers and businesses crippled by the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. But a new report claims that BP has set aside a higher total of $20 billion for this reason. [More]

BP Swears It's Going To Try A Little Harder
After getting a verbal boot in the butt from the U.S. Coast Guard about their lackadaisical attitude toward cleaning up their mess in the Gulf of Mexico, British Petroleum has come back with a slightly more aggressive schedule for mopping up the disaster. [More]

Coast Guard To BP: Hurry The Hell Up
Perhaps figuring that if a little forceful nudge from the federal government can get BP to stop dragging its feet on paying businesses hurt by the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the U.S. Coast Guard has now told the oil giant that they really need to step up their actions with regards to both stopping the spewing crude and containing/cleaning up the mess that’s already been made. [More]

BP Estimates Oil Spill Cleanup Costs At $3-6 Billion
On the same day scientists studying the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico say that previous guesses at the amount of crude leaked into the water have been greatly understated, British Petroleum has put together their first estimate of what it’s going to cost the oil giant to clean up the mess. [More]

Keep Track Of BP Oil Spill Casualties With
Though BP has made attempts to keep reporters away from the icky, oily dead and dying animals floating in on the greasy tides of the Gulf of Mexico, they haven’t been able to stop the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service at bay. [More]

Big Mouthed BP CEO Says He's Not Leaving
Even though it’s keeping him from getting back to his life, BP CEO Tony Hayward says that he has no intention of leaving his post just because his company has dumped a little bit of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico. [More]

BP Could Be On The Hook For Billions For Violating Clean Water Act
On Thursday BP checked its mail and got a love letter from its not-so-secret admirer, the Center for Biological Diversity, notifying the spill-a-riffic British oil giant that it would be sued under the Clean Water Act. [More]

5 Things BP CEO Tony Hayward Wishes He'd Never Said
In addition to adding a few million barrels of crude oil to the Gulf of Mexico, BP has another gusher that they can’t seem to cap — the mouth of the oil giant CEO Tony Hayward. Since he’s become minorly famous (and certainly infamous) in recent weeks, the oil industry bigwig can’t seem to shut his big trap. And Newsweek has picked some of his greatest hits. [More]

BP Sucking Off 1,000 Barrels/Day From Spill, Only Thousands More To Go
By attaching a mile-long pipe to its leaking well, BP is now able to slurp off 1,000 barrels of oil daily. The Gulf of Mexico spill currently emits about 5,000 barrels of oil per day, according to BP/Coast Guard/NOAA estimates, which have been challenged by independent scientists who put the figure more at 70,000 barrels per day, and criticized BP for using methodology specifically not recommended for measuring large oil spills. BP’s response: we’re here to stop the oil, not measure it. Scientists are also concerned that the oil could reach a major stream that would ferry it into the Florida Keys and up the East Coast. Looks like we’re gonna need a bigger milkshake straw. [More]