Yesterday, Facebook announced that it’s new mobile ad network (the one that analysts are counting on to rescue the company’s stock price) would allow advertisers to pay to use your Facebook data to target you with ads outside the Facebook environment. So, for example, if you’ve authorized Facebook on an outside mobile website, you’ll begin to see ads targeted to your Facebook profile data. [More]
Former Best Buy Salesperson Says: Electronics Salespeople Are Useless
Over on CNET, blogger and former Best Buy salesperson Sharon Vaknin shares her acquired wisdom with the Internet, putting together a list of the “7 things electronics salespeople won’t tell you.” What are they?
Comcast Programming Guides Won't Display Porn Next To Kid's Shows Anymore
Sorry kids, your days of catching enticingly named porn listed next to your cuddly family shows on Comcast’s programming guide are over. Comcast will now place “blocks of dummy channels” to keep family programs away from the racy pay per view channels.
Consumer Reports Survey Discovers People Hate Cell Phone Companies
The next issue of Consumer Reports will contain the results of a nationwide customer satisfaction survey for the mobile phone industry. In a surprise to no one who actually has a mobile phone, the cellular industry is “among the lowest-rated services” for consumers, particularly because of termination fees, high prices, and confusing contracts.
Ric Romero, famous consumer reporter, wants you to know that some stores offer 10% off if you sign up for their credit card. Also, some stores will email you when they have a sale.
Don’t buy a house near an airport: a Swedish study has found a correlation between living near noisy airports and “an elevated risk of high blood pressure due to noise pollution.” [Reuters]