Tree nuts like walnuts can trigger life-threatening allergies, and they’re one of the food items that must be declared on the outside of the food package. Cases of KIND chocolate and nut bars had that declaration on each bar, but the company is now notifying customers that the exterior cartons lacked the declaration.

Delta Retiring Its Branded Pretzels & Nuts In Favor Of Upgraded Free Snack Options
It looks like Delta Air Lines has been busy in the kitchen: a day after announcing it was testing free meals in economy class on some transcontinental flights, the carrier is making yet another change to complimentary onboard offerings. [More]

Get Ready For Cashew Prices To Go Up Amid Spike In Popularity
The good news, for cashews, is that they’ve recently become a lot more popular than other tree nuts like pistachios and walnuts (sorry, pistachios and walnuts). But the bad news, for consumers, is that that spike in popularity is putting a strain on the global cashew supply, which could cause an uptick in prices for consumers. [More]

Diamond Macadamia Nuts Recalled For Possible Salmonella Contamination
Nuts are a delicious and filling snack and a tasty addition to a cookie, but they’re a lot less healthy when they come with a generous coating of Salmonella bacteria. That’s the case with macadamia nuts from Diamond, which have been recalled after routine testing turned up bacteria on a bag of nuts. [More]

Apparently, California Nuts Are The Target Of International Crime Rings
Almonds, walnuts, and pistachios make a great snack, or topper for your salad. But they’re also apparently irresistible to international thieves, who have reportedly pilfered $7.6 million worth of nuts from California over the past four years. Now, the industry and authorities are taking steps to crack up these nutty crime rings. [More]

Diamond 100-Calorie Cashew Packs Recalled, May Contain Glass
A little bit of salt goes well with your roasted cashews, and maybe even a sprinkling of chili powder, but what does not go well with a packet of cashews are pieces of glass. That’s why Diamond is recalling their 100-calorie packs of roasted and salted cashew halves and pieces after one customer reported finding a glass piece. [More]

Family Suing Publix Claims Boy Allergic To Nuts Died After Eating Cookie Worker Said Was Safe
The family of an 11-year-old boy allergic to nuts who died in June 2014 is suing Publix, claiming that his death was caused by a severe allergic reaction after eating a cookie a grocery store worker allegedly deemed safe. [More]

Wegmans Recalls Walnut Halves & Pieces Over Possible Salmonella Contamination
On the heels of Trader Joe’s recalling walnuts over salmonella concerns, grocery store chain Wegmans is also pulling a product with walnut pieces and halves from the shelves due to possible contamination. [More]

Here’s Why Honey Nut Cheerios Don’t Contain Nuts
The incoming Web queries for a website are like an oracle: sometimes we can see trends or growing problems by reading them, like when people had trouble with the Gree dehumidifier recall. Sometimes searchers find us when they search for the answers to questions that we had never thought to ask. Last week, someone asked Google whether Honey Nut Cheerios contain any nuts. The short answer: No. [More]

Salmonella Found In "Critical Areas" Of Pistachio Plant
The pistachio recall has been expanded after FDA inspectors found salmonella contamination in “critical areas” of Setton Pistachio of Terra Bella, Calif.

Stay Informed About The Pistachio Salmonella Apocalypse
There have been quite a few “salmonella pistachio” recalls in the past few days, so the FDA has set up pistachio HQ on their website. You can search and/or browse the Pistachio Recalled Products List, learn about salmonella, and generally freak out about contaminated pistachios.

'No Need To Stir' Skippy Natural Peanut Butter Requires Stirring, Or A Straw
As any convenience-seeking American knows, the bane of natural peanut butter is its tendency to separate into an unspreadable sludge of crushed peanut and an eager-to-spill pond of oil. You have to stir the two together to get back to the peanut butter texture you’ve come to expect from the hybridized brands. Skippy says they’ve solved the problem, but based on the two jars one customer bought, they’re plain nuts (wocka wocka!).
Whole Foods has expanded last week’s recall of 365 Organic Everyday Value Chocolate Bars to include all 8 varieties, and expanded the Best If Used By date window to any date prior to 11/08/09, because of possible undeclared milk and tree nuts. [FDA]

Jericho To Re-Run On CBS, Jericho Fans Beg You To Watch It
Jericho fans sent 50,000 lbs of nuts to CBS in an effort to get them to bring back the show… and they won. CBS will add new episodes of Jericho into their line-up this fall as a mid-season replacement.

Fans of CBS Show Jericho Send 10,800 lbs of Nuts to CBS
There’s a lighthearted but very serious backlash going on against CBS for canceling the show “Jericho.” We even got a letter about it… and we don’t exactly cover TV. In fact, we don’t exactly watch TV except for Weeds because it’s the greatest thing ever. Anyway, CBS canceled Jericho and the fans have responded by ordering 10,800 lbs of nuts and having them shipped to CBS.