Only weeks after food industry lobbyists asked the Food and Drug Administration to delay the starting date for revised Nutrition Facts labels, their wish has been granted. The FDA has announced it plans to kick this can down the road by extending these deadlines — possibly by as much as three years. [More]
nutrition labels

Beer Biggies Agree To List Calories, Carbs & (Maybe) Ingredients On Bottles
While light (or “lite,” if you don’t care about spelling) beers often advertise their low calorie/carb content, most beers don’t have anything similar to the nutrition labels you see on other food and beverage packaging. This morning, a beer industry trade group announced a voluntary labeling standard that will add some of this information to beer packaging while allowing other data to be accessible via barcode. [More]

Those Updated Nutrition Labels On All Your Packaged Food Are Finally Happening
It’s something most of us learned to do decades ago: you see an inviting package on the supermarket shelf. You pick it up, have a look at the front to see if you might like that flavor, and then flip it over to stare intently at the familiar white nutrition label on the back. Well now, finally, after much hemming and hawing, those nutrition labels are getting an overdue upgrade. [More]

FDA’s New Nutrition Label Emphasizes Calories, Serving Size, Added Sugars
Earlier today, the FDA finally got around to unveiling the first major change to food nutrition labels in two decades. The new-look label contains mostly the same information as the current version, but with the addition of “added sugars” data, the loss of “calories from fat,” and more emphasis on total calories per serving and servings per container. [More]

New Law Would Modernize Nutrition Labels, Clarify Terms Like “Healthy” & “Natural”
While food production has gotten more sophisticated and complex, and we now know much more about how the human body is affected by a wide variety of ingredients, there haven’t been any changes to the food labeling provisions of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act since 1990, and some sections of the law have not been updated since 1938. So in an effort to bring nutrition labeling into the 21st century, lawmakers in both the House and Senate have introduced legislation that would require clear front-of-package labeling while clarifying when companies can use marketing buzz words that may be misleading. [More]

Hershey Syrup With Calcium Provides 0% Calcium?
In case you were planning on getting your recommended daily allowance of calcium from Hershey’s Syrup + Calcium, you may want to think twice. As reader Samuel has pointed out, the label on the fortified corn syrup says it contains “0%” of your suggested daily calcium. On the bright side, it probably doesn’t taste like chalk.
Vlasic Expects You To Only Eat 1/4 Of A Pickle
Steven bought several extra-large jars of Vlasic Kosher Dill pickles and noticed an absurd suggestion on the nutrition label.