I like to filter all of the coupons and sale announcements I get from retailers into a folder, which I peek through when I’m about to buy something to see whether any of them apply to that thing I’m about to buy. That’s what Andrew did when he was about to book his last trip’s lodging through Hotels.com, when it was finally time for him to earn his free hotel stay through that site. When his anticipated reward never came, he learned something terrible. Simply using that coupon in his mailbox had disqualified him from earning any rewards on that hotel stay. Then his rewards expired. It won’t surprise you when you learn that he’s not going back to Hotels.com to earn any more. [More]

Could Adult Industry HIV Scare Lead To Shortage Of New Porn?
An internet search of almost any random phrase will eventually turn up some sort of X-rated content. One could argue that this would signify no shortage of pornography available online. And yet porn fans continue to want more. Unfortunately, a number of the folks who fornicate on camera have had to take a breather this week after one adult actor has reportedly tested positive for HIV. [More]