What’s old is new again: Finnish manufacturer HMD Global is reportedly set to re-launch the iconic Nokia 3310 later this month, bringing back memories of heavier, non-smart phones. [More]

Report: Uber Bidding $3B For Nokia’s Maps Service
After rumors earlier this year that Google was perhaps planning a ride-sharing service to rival Uber and Lyft, and that Uber was working on its own driverless cars, it comes as no surprise that Uber might be trying to disentangle itself from relying on Google’s mapping technology: A new report says the company may have bid up to $3 billion to acquire Nokia’s mapping services unit. [More]

Microsoft Cutting 18,000 Jobs In Coming Months
Now that Microsoft is taking over Nokia’s device business, there are apparently a lot of people doing similar jobs. And so the company announced this morning that it plans to shed 18,000 jobs — about 14% of its total workforce — in the next 12 months. [More]

Raiders Of The Lost Walmart Can Holster Your 7-Year-Old Phones
The Raiders of the Lost Walmart are a brave band of explorers who scour the American retailscape for items that are obsolete or just plain old. They still have some use, but the more important question isn’t “who would buy this?” It’s “why is this still on a retail shelf?” [More]

Cellphone Lost Underwater Had To Hold Its Breath For 3 Months, But It Still Works
There’s dropping your phone in a glass of water, dumping it into a toilet and that time you fell into the town water fountain while reaching for a particularly shiny quarter, and then there’s losing your phone underwater for three months. Forget that trick with bag of instant rice — that phone’s gotta be well and duly drowned, no good, right? Actually… [More]

The New Nokia Lumia May Have A 41-Megapixel Camera, But That Doesn’t Mean It’s The Best
A lot has been made about the 41-megapixel camera inside the Nokia Lumia 1020, but our tech-head twins at Consumer Reports say that you shouldn’t be swayed by the impressive number of megapixels, and that the camera is good but still outperformed by the iPhone 4S, iPhone 5 and the Samsung Galaxy S4. [Consumer Reports] [More]

Nokia Shows Off Lumia 920's Video Capabilities By Using A Camera Not Included In The Phone
Listen, companies, if you want to sell us stuff, we’ve got to trust that you’re representing your products honestly. Which makes this a good time to call out Nokia for doing just the opposite of that, by faking video footage purportedly shot on its new Lumia 920 in an ad bragging about how awesome the phone’s camera is. Yeah, it’s awesome — because it was shot with a professional camera. [More]

Nokia Handing Out $100 Credits After It Finds Bug In Lumia Phone
Nokia is super proud of its AT&T Lumia 900, which has seen some pretty strong sales since its debut, but unfortunately there’s already a problem. The company is moving swiftly to counteract a software glitch in the Windows-based phone, and offering anyone who’s already bought the phone a few options to make amends. [More]

Nokia Thinks We Need The Ability To Get Phone Alerts Via Vibrating Tattoos
Just in case you should happen to miss either incessant beeping, a loud ringtone or an insistent vibration in your pocket/purse, why not just get a tattoo that would receive alerts directly from your phone and vibrate to let you know someone has something very important to say? Nokia wants to make that a reality. [More]

Nokia Skewers iPhone 4 Grip-Related Reception Problems
Nokia takes the piss out of iPhone 4 in a new blog post that asks, “How do you hold your Nokia?” One of the problems with the new iPhone 4 is that if your hands are sweaty and you grip it holding the antenna band it loses reception. A Nokia, the blog says, can be held by the thumb and finger, by balancing it, cupping it, or the four edge grip. Or really any grip at all. [More]

Skype Now Available On Nokia Symbian Phones
If you’ve got a Nokia Symbian phone and are planning to travel abroad, or maybe you’re just someone who makes a lot of calls overseas, Skype has announced that there’s now a free app that could save you a lot of money. [More]

Is Microsoft Trying To Buy BlackBerry?
While Microsoft is still basking in the glow of the announcement of their new Windows Phone 7 software, the company isn’t just hoping to wedge its way into the mobile market by selling a platform for other people to put on non-Microsoft hardware. According to a new report, Microsoft is in the market for an existing smartphone company to jump start their efforts. [More]

Nokia Breaks Customer's Phone, Wants Money To Fix It
A couple of months ago, Nokia ruined the Wifi capabilities on Chris’s phone, and now he can’t get them to fix it. Well, actually they told him they will fix, but only if he pays for the “repair.” Ah, I see–this is a good secondary revenue strategy, Nokia. Sort of a protection racket! Well played! [More]

Verizon And Nokia Announce "Constant Reboot" Feature
Ryan’s new Nokia Intrigue 7205, which Verizon gave him, doesn’t work with the Verizon network: “48 hours ago, the phone began cycling on and off continuously.” He’s not the only Intrigue owner experiencing this problem on Verizon, although Verizon is following that tired old “it couldn’t possibly be our fault so let’s make you jump through a dozen useless hoops” protocol. Sadly, a single Google search would give them the quick fix for Ryan and other Intrigue owners.

DealTree Sends Phone Trade In Money To Imaginary PayPal Account
What’s going on with DealTree? They handle Nokia’s “Trade-up” program, which reimburses you cash for your old phones. It says clearly on the “how it works” page as well as in their terms and conditions that they’ll mail a paper check to you after confirming your phone’s value. In Paul’s case, they say dumped his money into a PayPal account—and Paul says there’s nothing in his account and PayPal has no record of a transaction.

Why Is Nokia Charging Customers More Than The Invoice Amount?
Nokia has already had a few problems rolling out its new touchscreen 5800 XpressMusic phone, including earpieces that go bad in humid weather and firmmware that wouldn’t work on certain big-city 3G networks on the US model, but now they’re screwing around with something serious: customers’ money.

This Bag Of Clancy’s Ripple Potato Chips Needs More Nokia Phones
A Nokia phone found its way into a bag of Clancy’s Ripple Potato Chips, where it surprised Wisconsin nosher Emma Schweiger. The phone, which didn’t work, was slathered with “greasy potato-chip film” and looked like it once lived on a belt clip. The chip’s distributor, Aldi, pulled all other Clancy’s chips with the same batch and expiration date and, by way of apology, offered Schweiger a free bag of chips. She isn’t biting…