Are you buying a product from Google’s Nexus line as a gift this holiday season, or for an upcoming special event? It’s too late for reader Joan, but she wants everyone to know that you should probably make your purchase from somewhere with a looser return policy than the Google Play store if your gift-giving occasion is more than two weeks or so away. That’s because you can’t return items more than 15 days after purchase unless they’re defective. [More]

Nexus 4 Owners: Really Unlucky Or Just Really Clumsy
Earlier this week, we asked owners of Google’s new Nexus 4 smartphone whether they’ve found it exceptionally slippery. It was part warning, part user poll. Reader Blaine thought that his phone got all smashed up after falling off an ironing board in a way that sort of defies the laws of physics because of its curved back and super shiny surface. Sad Nexus owners wrote in, but so did tech fans who wanted to defend the honor of Google and manufacturer LG. The consensus? Don’t put your phone on a non-flat surface, and accessory makers really need to hurry up with those bumper cases. [More]

Still Waiting For A Nexus 7 I Don’t Even Want Anymore
Last week, we shared with you two discouraging tales of terrible customer service from Google. It’s not that the people who answer the phone when you order the Galaxy Nexus or Nexus 7 aren’t friendly. They are. They just can’t do anything to help their customers, who have been waiting for their devices. And waiting. Reader Phil grumbles that he’s still waiting for his order to leave “processing” status after a few weeks, and he could go buy a better device for the same price elsewhere instead of paying more to have a delayed order he can’t cancel directly from Google. [More]

Google Doesn’t Send My Galaxy Nexus, Doesn’t Know Why
Purchasing an unlocked Galaxy Nexus directly from the Google Play store is very easy. The problem seems to be in getting it. Dan ordered his phone almost two weeks ago, and wonders where it is. Google’s customer service representatives are very nice, but completely powerless and don’t have anything to tell him. The phone is supposed to be shipping now. Where is Dan’s? Is anyone else having the same problem? (Update: Yes, they are.) [More]