Most national parks are free to enjoy, but some of the most popular destinations overseen by the National Park Service charge entrance fees of around $25 to $30 for a full vehicle. Today, the Trump administration announced a proposal to more than double some of those fees for visitors during peak seasons. [More]
National Park Service

National Park Service Wants To Charge Up To $70 To Visit Grand Canyon & Other Popular Parks

National Park Service Changes Its Tune, Ends Ban On Disposable Water Bottle Sales In Parks
In a move meant to “expand hydration options” for visitors to national parks, the National Park Service is reversing a six-year-old policy that allowed parks to ban the sale of bottled water. [More]

Here’s Some Advice On How To Avoid Getting Head-Butted By A Bison
Look, we’re not wildlife experts by any stretch of the imagination, but there is one very easy way to avoid injury by head-butting or other aggression from our large animal friends: Don’t get too close, even if it means the difference between an amazing selfie and one that is only great. [More]

You Can Get Into All National Parks For Free Two Weekends This Month
Looking for an affordable awesome weekend trip? This month, you can visit more than 100 of the nation’s most spectacular public spaces without paying admission. [More]

Park Service Approves Policy That Allows Corporate Names Inside National Parks
While we were all snoozing in between Christmas and the new year, the National Park Service went ahead and approved revisions to its policy that will allow some corporate logos and signage within park boundaries in the country’s public places, despite public backlash against the idea. Some critics think this is a very bad, terrible, no good idea. [More]

Public Backlash Grows Against Proposed Ads In National Parks
Backlash is growing against a proposal by the National Park Service that would allow some corporate logos and signage within park boundaries, with the majority of folks who weighed in on the idea during a public commenting period saying they’re against it. [More]

Tourist Fined $1K For Straying Off Yellowstone Boardwalk To Collect Thermal Water
Just a week after a tourist died in a geyser at Yellowstone National Park after leaving the park’s designated boardwalk, officials say they fined another visitor for straying out of bounds in an attempt to collect water from the volatile, dangerous hot springs. [More]

Park Service: To Avoid Risk Of Animal Attack, Stop Trying To Get Up Close & Personal
It’s that time of year again: the weather is nice, and our nation’s parks are full of visitors who want to check out all that nature has to offer. But yet again the National Park Service finds itself forced to remind folks that if they don’t want to find themselves facing down, say, a charging bison, you shouldn’t try to get too close just for the sake of a souvenir photo. [More]

No, The National Park Service Isn’t Going To Give Away Park Naming Rights To Corporate Sponsors
Recently, the National Park Service announced a proposed donor recognition program that would allow individuals and companies to have their names displayed on things like programs, benches, and other interior spaces at parks as a way to raise much-needed funds. In case that news made folks fear a future that includes The Pepsi Grand Canyon, the agency is taking steps to clarify exactly what the program would entail. [More]

National Park Service Fighting To Keep Historic Yosemite Names
The National Park Service isn’t quite ready to let go of some of the historic names scattered around Yosemite National Park. After the news that the park would have to change the monikers on several hotels, camping villages, and other areas of the park after ending a longterm deal with the concessions company that owns the trademark on those sites, the NPS is ready to fight over those trademarks. [More]

National Park Service Hiking Entry Fees At 130 Parks To Raise Money Needed For Repairs
Before you head to Yosemite or Yellowstone for your next trip, you might want to check the price of admission: the National Park Service is hiking entry fees at 130 locations in order to raise money it needs to fix trails, bridges, and buildings visitors use every day. In some cases, prices will double, or even triple. [More]

National Park Service Bans The Use Of E-Cigarettes Anywhere Smoking Is Prohibited
The National Park Service already prohibits smoking inside its buildings and in many outdoor spots included in its many miles of landholdings, and now vaping with an e-cigarette will be banned as well: the agency announced Monday that e-cigs can’t be used anywhere traditional smoking is already prohibited. [More]