Tiffany from ASAP Van Lines reached out to us regarding a complaint we posted. Our reader felt she had been unfairly hoodwinked into paying $400 more and was subject to abusive telephone calls. Tiffany offers a different version of the events.

Trouble With Your Movers? Call The Department Of Weights And Measures!
We save an average of $1,400 for consumers. In the past year we’ve saved them more than $100,000. A few weeks ago we saved one consumer $11,000.
Who knew the Department of Weights and Measures was so heroic? For more info, Steve provided a link full of good information for consumers.—MEGHANN MARCO

Things To Know Before You Freight Ship
Freight shipping can be a cost-effective moving solution but there’s some aspects of it you should first be aware of.

The Cheap Alternative To Uhaul: Freight Shipping!
Instead of dealing with the possibility of Uhaul’s messed up reservations and callous customer service, not to mention their high price for long-hauls, embrace the power of freight truck shipping.

Seven Self Storage Suggestions
Need a little extra space? Before boxing your miscellany, consider these seven suggestions from a former self storage facility manager.

Moving On The Cheap
• The very best free boxes: boxes liquor is shipped in. Go to your local liquor store or restaurant with a bar area and ask them if they will give you boxes. Sometimes you can catch them before the store breaks them down for recycling and you don’t even have to tape them back together. These boxes are usually the perfect size for heavy items like books and glassware. They’re also stronger than other types of boxes, usually.
There are more tips at Curbly, but they’re all pretty basic. Let’s hear what the Consumerists have to say. What are your tips for a quick, cheap move. Our tip? Don’t use U-haul. Sell your children first.

Howto: Find a Reputable Mover
Moving sucks, even if you’re trading up. The un/packing, the organization of all your crap, the sound of packing tape being unrolled… I hate it all. I dread it like I dread root canal. At least the dentist gives you Novocaine.

HOW TO: Move To New York City Sane And Not Broke
How do you move to New York City and stay sane and not be broke? [More]
U-Haul Keel-Hauled Over Gas Charges
Everyone hates U-Haul lately. From booking appointments and then not honoring them to charging you for canceling bookings that you didn’t want, the company tops our long list of scummy corporations.

UPDATE: 1-800-GOT-JUNK Hires Punks
Remember Ryan from yesterday? He wasn’t pleased with his treatment by a junk removal service. The guys who showed up threw around curses, mocked his pitiful possessions and also charged higher than their estimate. Some of you weren’t too happy with Ryan either.

1-800-GOT-JUNK Hires Punks
Ryan was stressed. A lotta stuff’s been going down in his life and he needed to bust out of Cali to go to a new University. He considered just leaving the crap in his storage locker to rot but didn’t want the credit dings. So he called 1-800-GOT-JUNK. He just wanted some guys to take the junk out of his storage locker. He didn’t need the gangsta rap music or his pathetic student possessions being insulted by the homeslices, just the beginning of a miserable experience.

Customer That U-Haul Hates Sics BBB On Their Ass
We just got a great story from David H. concerning a run-in he had with some incompetent assholes at U-Haul. After taking his reservation and promising to let him know the day before when he could pick up his truck, David — like many people who incredulously discover that reservations don’t actually mean that a company will reserve anything for you — discovered that he didn’t have a truck on moving day. Worse, when he finally did get him a truck, it looked like Evel Kneivel had used it to jump over the moon. But the best part of his story is that when David complained, the manager looked him straight in the eye, told David that he “was the kind of customer I hate” then kicked him out of the store, slapping a canceled order fee on his credit card on top of it!