Tim fell behind on his car payments, then made one big payment to get all caught up. The next day, Hyundai Motor Finance Company repossessed his car. [More]

Payment Late? Lenders Can Remotely Disable Your Car
Repossessing cars is so old-fashioned. All that driving, locating people’s houses, towing the cars away… with the mess credit markets are currently in, who has time for that? Car lenders don’t.

4-Year-Old Leaps From Moving Car After It Was Repo'd With Him In It
We checked but couldn’t find a clause in the Fair Debt Collection Practices act that dealt with the legal implications of repossessing a SUV with a 4-year-old child inside of it, but we’re fairly sure it’s not really allowed.

Debt Collectors Punch Mom In Face While 5 Year-Old Watches
We realize that you need to repossess that 2000 Ford Focus, but it’s just not necessary to punch a woman in the face in front of her 5 year-old daughter. The woman, Sara Bradley, 25, was was sitting in her car when a debt collector trying to repossess the vehicle attacked her, grabbing her necklace and punching her in the face, according to the Boston Globe.

UPDATE: 1-800-GOT-JUNK Hires Punks
Remember Ryan from yesterday? He wasn’t pleased with his treatment by a junk removal service. The guys who showed up threw around curses, mocked his pitiful possessions and also charged higher than their estimate. Some of you weren’t too happy with Ryan either.