JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs are seeking permission to repay government bailout funds, says Reuters.
morgan stanley
It's "The End Of Wall Street As We Have Known It"
Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley will no longer be investment banks, says the New York Times. Instead, they will “transform themselves into bank holding companies subject to far greater regulation.”
Morgan Stanley might sell a 49% share of itself to a Chinese government controlled fund, says Bloomberg. [Bloomberg]
Morgan Stanley Ponders Wachovia Merger
The Morgan Stanley investment bank is considering merging with the Wachovia commercial bank. The point is for the investment bank to have lots of capital on hand in the form of consumers’ deposits. This would return the two back to their structure during the Great Depression, when the two split. Uh, oh, there’s the D word, and we’re not even officially allowed to say the R word yet! Let’s just say Wall Street is getting completely rewritten this week, and while it’s way too early to tell what this means to the average consumer, there will be repercussions. Blood, too, probably.