After more than a week of bloodshed, half of the contenders that dared to dip their toes into the Worst Company wading pool (stocked with laser-equipped piranha and some ill-tempered guppies) have been carried out in Consumerist-branded body bags. The 16 fighters that remain are bruised, but not broken, and one of them will soon be crowned with the coveted Golden Poo. [More]

Facebook Gets The Thumbs-Up From Haters, Takes Final Spot In Worst Company Not-So-Sweet 16

Bank Of America, Monsanto, Verizon Move On To Next Round Of Worst Company Competition
After three days of Worst Company In America voting, nine big businesses lie battered and bloody on the sandpaper mat of the WCIA Dodecahedron of Doom. But we are not here to mourn the fallen, but to hurl rotting fruit at the victors who survive to fight another day. [More]

Have Fun Breaking Down This Year’s Worst Company In America Bracket
The above bracket will be updated at the end of each day of WCIA competition to reflect that day’s results.
After going through all of your nominations, then having y’all rank the contenders and eliminate the chaff from the wheat, we’re proud to present the first round match-ups for this year’s Worst Company in America tournament! [More]

Here Are Your Worst Company Contenders For 2014 — Help Us Seed The Brackets!
After sorting through a mountain of nomination e-mails, we’ve whittled down the field of competitors for this year’s Worst Company In America tournament to 40 bad businesses. Here’s your chance to have your say on how these players will square off in the bracket, and which bubble teams will get left out in the cold. [More]

Monsanto Shareholders Fail To Convince Company To Disclose Info About Genetically Modified Seeds
Earlier today, the world’s largest seed company, Monsanto, held its annual shareholders meeting outside of St. Louis. While there were a small number of protestors outside, the bigger story was going on inside the meeting, where shareholders were asked to vote on measures that would require more transparency about Monsanto and its genetically modified seeds. [More]

Walmart And Monsanto Team Up To Sell Genetically Modified Sweet Corn
Retail behemoth Walmart says it will soon be selling a new variety of genetically modified sweet corn developed by seed megacorp/frequent litigator Monsanto. This is the same corn that other big names like Whole Foods and General Mills have already said thanks but no thanks to. [More]

Monsanto Blamed For Bee Population Collapse, So It Buys Bee Research Firm
If you can’t beat’em, why not buy’em? Biotechnology giant Monsanto has had the collective finger pointed at it for a lot of things, including the apparent collapse of the bee population. So instead of fighting off skeptics, it just decided to buy out Beeologics, a major international research firm devoted to studying and protecting bees. [More]

Organic Farmers Appeal Lawsuit To Preempt Monsanto From Suing Them
A month ago, a U.S. District Court threw out a lawsuit filed by a group of organic farmers who hoped to prevent lawsuits from seed titan Monsanto should their crops become contaminated by Monsanto’s patented, genetically modified seeds. Now those same farmers are hoping to get another day in court by appealing the case. [More]
Farmers Fail At Suing Monsanto Before Monsanto Sues Them
Seed industry titan Monsanto is infamous for its patent infringement lawsuits against farmers for allegedly using its proprietary seeds without paying. Defendants often claim that Monsanto seeds are so prevalent that crops can’t help but become contaminated. And some farmers say they have stopped growing certain crops out of fear that they may someday be sued. [More]

Restrictive Monsanto Seed Contracts Investigated
An AP investigation examines the cofidential contracts between Monsanto, which makes 90% of the world’s genetically engineered seeds, and the famers and smaller seed companies it bends to its will with extremely restrictive licensing agreements. [More]

New Dairy Law In Ohio Designed To Strangle "rBGH-free" Labeling
Monsanto failed to get the FDA to ban “rBGH-free” labeling nationally, and it’s had mixed success at the state level. Now the company and its gang of ethics-free dairy farmers (those are the ones who use rBGH to increase profits, but want that truth kept out of the marketplace because it’s unpopular with consumers) have scored a significant win in Ohio this week. Yesterday the state passed a law that forces extra, rBGH-friendly fine print on every milk label that promotes itself as “rBGH-free.” The goal of the ruling: to require expensive label redesigns on competitors, and to crowd the label with unnecessary fine print in order to dilute the marketing power of the “rBGH-free” label.
An astroturfing group started by chemical supergiant Monsanto is trying to stop the spread of milk that’s free of bovine synthetic growth hormone. They say they’re trying to defend farmer’s rights but they can’t fool us, we know they really just want to make the future safe for large breasts. [NYT]

Monsanto Is Trying To Ban Hormone Labeling At The State Level
Monsanto continues its attempts to hide the basic facts of food production from consumers, this time in Kansas. The Kansas Dairy Association, along with a suspicious “grassroots” dairy group that has the same public relations firm as Monsanto, has helped introduce a bill to the state Senate that would ban “growth hormone-free” milk labels. The bill’s supporters argue that growth hormone can’t be found in lab tests, and if a lab can’t verify it, consumers don’t need to be told about it.

"Artificial Hormone Free" Milk Labels Soon To Be Illegal In Pennsylvania
Consumer Reports says that “without warning or public discussion” 19 dairies in Pennsylvania were notified that their labels were “false or misleading and need to be changed.” What did the labels say?

FTC To Monsanto: Dairies' Hormone-Free Milk Ads Not Misleading
The FTC rebuffed chemical giant Monsanto’s request for action against dairies advertising their milk as being hormone-free, the Miami Herald reports.
Round 8: Monsanto vs Walmart
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Monsanto Has Trouble Getting Out Of Bed In The Morning
After losing the first round of Worst Company In America, Monsanto suffered from low self-esteem and decreased motivation.
Fox News Reporters Fired For Being Too Tough on Monsanto Milk
In 1997, the investigative reporting duo of Steve Wilson and Jane Akre cracked a story about Monsanto’s conspiracy to push bovine growth hormone while ignoring the potential risks to its “end users.” Unfortunately, they worked for Fox News. The channel was extremely reticent, to say the least, to run the story after coming under pressure by Monsanto.