
Fed Hints At Further Rate Cuts

Fed Hints At Further Rate Cuts

In a speech today Feddy Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke suggested that even steeper interest rates could be in the works. His strong language suggests that they’re considering a half-point drop, down from the current rate of 4.25%. If they follow through, the cut would be expected to be announced at the next Reserve Board meeting on January 29th. Last time rates were cut we took a look at how it affects the price of a bushel of corn in Kansas, i.e., you the average consumer, and another rate cut would be more of the same.

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

(Photo: muckpond)


How many people resolved to be better with money in ’08? Here’s eight reasons to get your debt under control this year. [Bankrate]

How To Know The Value of Your Coins

How To Know The Value of Your Coins

Ever wonder if that 1897 silver dollar Uncle Joe gave you was worth anything? Who knows, maybe that trip to Hawaii you’ve been yearning for is simply sitting in an old box doing nothing (or perhaps it would pay off the debt you racked up this holiday.) How are you supposed to know if a coin has any worth above face value? Money blog Consumerism Commentary tells us that four simple factors determine the value of a coin including:

3 Stupid Financial Mistakes Sasha Made In 2007

3 Stupid Financial Mistakes Sasha Made In 2007

Sasha over at Consumerism Commentary is actually working on a list of five stupid mistakes from last year, but she’s uploading them one at a time and we’re getting tired of waiting. We’ll post a quicklink or something to the remaining two in a few days. Anyway, here are mistakes one through three, another person’s financial self-flogging in public for your edification, or grim enjoyment.

Chase Rep Insider Answers Your Questions

Chase Rep Insider Answers Your Questions

The Chase customer service rep whose 10 Confessions we posted last week has been reading your comments and has responded to some of your questions. The rep also offers five more tips that they forgot to include in their original post.

7 Things To Regularly Check On Your Car To Save Money

7 Things To Regularly Check On Your Car To Save Money

They say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and the adage applies very well to keeping your car running right. Here’s 7 common sense things you need to be checking on your car on a regular basis to save yourself a lot of money in the long run. We found the tips in the summer 2007 issue of our USAA member magazine. They’re all pretty obvious, which is why you’ll be smacking yourself in the head if you don’t do them, so read up and make sure you’re on schedule.

How Can A Minor Get Their Credit Report?

How Can A Minor Get Their Credit Report?

“Why can’t I get my credit report?” one of our 16-year-old readers (obviously precocious in the personal finance responsibility department) wanted to know. It seems if someone under 18 tries to get it online, say through, they’re told no. It turns out you can order your report, you just need to do it by an old-fashioned letter. You’ll want to to include in your request your name, address, and Social Security number. This is good not just for go-get-em kids like our reader who want to make sure no one is buying a $40,000 boat with their credit, but also parents who want to protect their children from identity theft. The addresses for each of the bureaus follow.

10 Confessions Of A Chase Customer Service Rep

10 Confessions Of A Chase Customer Service Rep

Do you know the one thing to never say to a customer service rep if you’re late on your bill? Do you know how Chase ranks you, and how you’re ranked determines whether they help you out in a bind? Do you know the best way to get what you want from customer service? After you read these 10 confessions from a Chase customer service rep, you will.

Confess Your Money Sins

Confess Your Money Sins

What things are you doing with your money that make you feel guilty? Leave your confessions in the comments.

Credit Card Delinquencies Skyrocket

Credit Card Delinquencies Skyrocket

  • The value of accounts over 30 days late went up 26% from the previous year
  • Defaults rose 18%
  • Accounts 90 days late rose by 50% at several large lenders
  • Personal Finance Roundup

    Personal Finance Roundup

    (Photo: What Rhymes With Nicole)

    Personal Finance Roundup

    Personal Finance Roundup

    (Photo: eden elizabeth)

    The Impact of Extra Mortgage Payments

    The Impact of Extra Mortgage Payments

    The web is full of opinions listing the pros and cons of making extra mortgage payments, but there are surprisingly few pieces on how extra payments impact your mortgage payments. Turns out that the answer depends on which of the four main types of mortgage you have. Yahoo Finance gives thoughts on each of these including standard fixed-rate mortgages, standard adjustable-rate mortgages, interest-only mortgages, and home ownership accelerator loans. A few interesting highlights listed from least responsive to most responsive extra-payment home loans:

    Use Your Gift Cards Immediately!

    Use Your Gift Cards Immediately!

    The Dallas Morning News and Consumer Affairs both say you should use those gift cards as soon as possible—otherwise you risk losing them, forgetting about them, or having them decline in value due to maintenance fees or expiration dates. We know this isn’t new news, but the idea that “$7.8 billion in gift card value will go unused this year” makes us cringe. If you really don’t want the card, consider selling it online, or giving it to a shelter or other charity that can make use of it.

    How FICO 08 Changes Your Credit Score

    How FICO 08 Changes Your Credit Score

    The FICO system, whose credit scores lenders use to determine whether you’re credit-worthy and how favorable to set the terms, is set for a makeover. An article in today’s WSJ reveals more of the changes in store than previously disclosed, here’s how they’ll affect your credit score:

    Recording Of A Pathetic Debt Collector

    [via Caveat Emptor]

    Personal Finance Roundup

    Personal Finance Roundup

    (Photo: Andy Dick)