
Pay Off $50k In Debt On A $20k Salary In 10 Steps And 5 Years

Pay Off $50k In Debt On A $20k Salary In 10 Steps And 5 Years

This 30-year old receptionist and single mother of 3 climbed out of a $50,000 debt hole in 5 years using these 10 steps. [More]

Sears Solution MasterCard Gives Free Credit Scores, But Has Annual Fee

Sears Solution MasterCard Gives Free Credit Scores, But Has Annual Fee

The Wallet blog has a cool tip about a credit card that give free TransUnion FICO credit scores. Sweet! Closer inspection reveals it’s not such a good deal, unless you have stellar credit history. [More]

Mint Upselling To "Free"

Mint Upselling To "Free"

It didn’t take long for Intuit to start ruining a great product. They’ve begun upselling customers to two “free” credit report sites that are anything but. UPDATE: Turns out Mint was already doing this pre-Intuit. Bully for them.

What Is A Money Market Account?

What Is A Money Market Account?

If you visit your local bank, you might advertisements for money market accounts. You might be familiar with CDs, checking and savings accounts, but money market probably sounds fancy and exotic. Fortunately, they’re not.

JP Morgan Chase Yanks Mandatory Binding Arbitration Clause From Credit Card Contracts

JP Morgan Chase Yanks Mandatory Binding Arbitration Clause From Credit Card Contracts

In response to legal and political pressure, JP Morgan Chase is removing the mandatory binding arbitration clause from its credit card contracts. Customers will receive a new member agreement reflecting the change first quarter 2010.

The Best Job Search Websites

The Best Job Search Websites

If you’re one of the ba-zillion unemployed people in America, we’re guessing you might be interested in a listing of the best job search websites. If so, we have some good news for you — personal finance blog Bargaineering has such a list which includes the following:

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

10 secrets of off-season homebuying [MSN Money] “With the housing market in its sluggish months, savvy buyers can squeeze out some nice deals. But first you’ll need to do your homework.”

25 US Cities With Biggest Q3 Home Price Plunges

25 US Cities With Biggest Q3 Home Price Plunges

Want a bargain on a house? Try snapping something up in on of these 25 US cities that saw the greatest plunges in their home prices in the 3rd quarter:

How to Get the Best Deal on a New Car

How to Get the Best Deal on a New Car

For those of you looking to take advantage of this year’s tax deductions for buying a new car, Smart Money has a few tips to save you even more money. They list five suggestions for getting the best deal on a new car as follows:

Citibank: Transfer $5000 In Debt Onto This Card Or We'll Double Your APR

Citibank: Transfer $5000 In Debt Onto This Card Or We'll Double Your APR

“It’s the increased cost of doing business,” was Citicard’s constant refrain when Kent’s husband called to complain about their latest pre-CARD act adverse action insanity: transfer $5000 in balances from other credit cards to this credit card or we’ll double your interest rate. Listen to Kent’s message left on the new Consumerist hotline and/or read the transcript:

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

Be a smarter charitable giver [CNN Money] “Make your charitable dollars go further by following these three strategies.”

Golden Parachute Or Gilded Noose?

Golden Parachute Or Gilded Noose?

WSJ takes a look at the “severance class” – unemployed formerly high-ranking folks burning through their chunky termination pay package to maintain the outward apperance of their pre-pink slip lifestlye.

Denied A Credit Card? Try A Reconsideration Letter

Denied A Credit Card? Try A Reconsideration Letter

Frugal Travel Guy has a story of how he was able to get a credit card for his son after the company first denied him. The magic bullet was a well-crafted “reconsideration letter.” What’s that?

Text Messages Can Make You Save More Money

Text Messages Can Make You Save More Money

Could a text message make you save more?

10 Things Learned About Life And Personal Finance

10 Things Learned About Life And Personal Finance

You blog for 3 years about money, life, and personal finance, all of which are interconnected, and you pick up a few things. Trent from The Simple Dollar shares the 10 most important lessons he’s learned since starting his personal finance blog. For starters, number 10, while it’s easy to get caught up in trying to save one more nickel off every purchase, “Reliability and functionality worth a premium”!

What You Need To Know About Today's Unemployment Benefits Extension

What You Need To Know About Today's Unemployment Benefits Extension

If you’re still struggling to find a job in the current economy, you’ll be happy to know that this morning President Obama is expected to sign legislation to extend benefits for few more months. The New York Times has more info on how the extension will work, and who qualifies for it.

USAA Expands Membership To All Vets

USAA Expands Membership To All Vets

Perennial Consumerist favorite banker and insurance company USAA announced yesterday that they’re expanding eligible membership to all honorably discharged vets, regardless of dates or lengths of service.

Negotiating Reduced Payoff Can Hurt Credit Score

Negotiating Reduced Payoff Can Hurt Credit Score

Did you know negotiating a reduced payment payoff with a lender negatively affects your credit score?