
What Are "Expense Ratios?"

What Are "Expense Ratios?"

For the new investor considering mutual funds, one important comparison basis is their expense ratio.

Personal Finance Roundup

Personal Finance Roundup

Trade in that old house [CNN Money] “In a bid to boost home sales, builders are looking to the auto lot for tips on how to move merchandise in a sagging market: they’re taking trade-ins.”

Daughter Stuck with Comatose Mom's Debt?

Daughter Stuck with Comatose Mom's Debt?

For those of you who enjoyed today’s post on the woman who committed suicide after her husband was threatened with debtor’s prison, here’s another one up your bleak alley.

Who Gives Money to the Homeless?

Who Gives Money to the Homeless?

Blunt Money has opened up an interesting thread about giving (or not giving) to beggars. Some of the comments bring back memories:

US Poor Punished For Saving Money

US Poor Punished For Saving Money

As if the American poor don’t suffer enough, now it turns out trying to get a leg up may only backfire. Yesterday, the National Center For Policy Analysis warned of catastrophic financial problems for poor people who save money. The Los Angeles Times story on the study explained that “each $1 saved by a single mother earning $15,000 a year would cost her $2.60 in higher taxes and lost government benefits.”

Tomorrow Begins Today

Today, I mailed off my last final exam and finished my undergraduate degree requirements. “Luckily,” I was able to finish through online correspondence courses with my university, something I’ve slowly been chipping away at for the last three years. Yes, that’s three years after my intended graduation date.

8 Tips For Keeping Your Cash

8 Tips For Keeping Your Cash

Here’s 8 personal finance tips Damon Darlin distilled from two years worth of his Your Money columns in the NYT:

Saving Tips For Recent Graduates

Saving Tips For Recent Graduates

  • Keep the end goal in mind: “[Money] is most useful when you are old because it makes all the difference whether you wait for a bus in the rain to get to the doctor’s appointment or you ride in a cab.”

  • Personal Finance Roundup

    Personal Finance Roundup

    How can I raise my credit score? [MSNBC] “…the first step in raising your score is to make sure the information used to calculate it is correct and up-to-date.”

    How To Pick A Financial Planner

    How To Pick A Financial Planner

    Let’s say you’re the kind that can make money but don’t know what to do with it once it’s yours. Or perhaps you know a bit about personal finance but need some help on the more complicated matters associated with managing your money. Or maybe you don’t want a thing to do with handling your finances — you simply want to turn them over to someone else. In all of these cases (and several others you can likely imagine), you may be in the market for a financial adviser. But the world of financial planners is full of sharks, say CNNMoney and USAToday:

    In most states, anyone can call themselves a financial adviser, even if they don’t have any training.

    So how do you pick a financial planner who knows what she’s doing and who won’t rip you off by only working to turn your money into her money? A couple thoughts…

    Credit Card Fees, Penalties, On The Rise

    Credit Card Fees, Penalties, On The Rise

    A nationwide study by non-prof group Consumer Action found rising trends for credit card rates and fees. Compared to 2005

    Personal Finance Roundup

    Personal Finance Roundup

    Life as a Boomerang Kid [Kiplinger’s] “Dirt-cheap housing. Home-cooked meals. A full-time housekeeper. The catch: sleeping in your old room.”

    You Have Assets, Time To Allocate Them

    You Have Assets, Time To Allocate Them

    Bankrate has some nifty pie charts that show you how you should be allocating your retirement investments at different age groups. How you allocate your assets determines the risk in your portfolio. Of course, you don’t have to take these suggestions, your level of risk should reflect your tolerance for it. —MEGHANN MARCO

    Comparing Index ETFs and Mutual Funds

    Comparing Index ETFs and Mutual Funds

    We understand that investing in index exchange trade funds (ETF) can be a good option for beginning investors, but what if you’re also looking at mutual funds, and you want to compare purchase costs between the two?

    What Is Dollar-Cost Averaging And Why Is It Bunk?

    What Is Dollar-Cost Averaging And Why Is It Bunk?

    Dollar cost averaging (DCA) is a method of investing whereby you spend a fixed amount on a stock per month, regardless of price.

    Sell Your Old Cellphone Online

    Sell Your Old Cellphone Online

    Here’s an alternative to throwing away your old cellphone, selling it on ebay or craigslist, or donating it to charity.

    102 Common Sense But Often Forgotten Personal Finance Tips

    102 Common Sense But Often Forgotten Personal Finance Tips

    These 102 money-saving tips are dead simple, which is why it never hurts to be reminded of them.