There are dozens of car, truck, SUV, and minivan brands to choose from, but one carmaker is bringing up the rear in the latest owner satisfaction survey from our colleagues at Consumer Reports. [More]

Truth In Advertising Act Before Congress Turns Photoshopped Models Into A Public Health Issue
Do digitally enhanced models in ads for fashion brands and other products hurt consumers? A bill that was introduced in Cogress in 2014 would require the FTC to look into the prevalence of advertisements that show digitally altered humans, and the potential harm that they could cause to consumers, especially to the mental health of children and teens. Now the bill’s sponsors are engaging in a new push to get it passed. [More]

AMA Attacks Photoshopping For Promoting Anorexia
Photoshopping is used in ads and on magazine covers to make models more “beautiful,” which often means “skinnier.” The American Medical Association says the practice needs to get reined in. “Exposure to media-propagated images of unrealistic body images” has been linked to “eating disorders and other child and adolescent health problems,” the group said in a press release. The group wants advertisers to adopt policies that would curtail altering photographs that lead to “models with body types only attainable with the help of photo editing software.” [More]

Great, Now Demi Moore's Torso Is Missing
In all of the chatter surrounding the Demi Moore W cover controversy, many people have insisted that her vanished hip is part of a perfectly natural pose. They were correct. The photo shows the natural standing pose… of a runway model in her mid-twenties. It appears that Moore’s head, legs, and arms were superimposed on the hips and torso of model Anja Rubik.
Fashion Thunderdome: two models enter, one magazine cover leaves.

Ralph Lauren Is As Weirded Out By This Ad As We Are
Fashion advertising has a long tradition of lying, but this comically stupid Ralph Lauren ad seems to have confused the human anatomy with a box of Pocky. Unfortunately, Ralph Lauren doesn’t want to be mocked for its own advertising, so it started sending out DMCA takedown notices to blogs who have posted the ad—both Boingboing and Photoshop Disasters have been ratted out to their ISPs. Blogspot took down the pic from Photoshop Disasters while it investigates, but Boingboing has posted it a second time.
How Fake Models Are Really Made
It’s part of Dove’s “Campaign For Real Beauty” which aims to sell Dove skincare products to a niche audience that thinks it hates these fake models. The lotion is the same as what the “fake” model sells, it’s just in a more “conscious” package.

Women Like Skinny Models?
Here’s a suspect little piece of reporting from The Sun claiming that women prefer skinny models: