A British paper is claiming that some no good punks have figured out a way to make their mobile phones inaudible to adults.
mobile phones

Nextel Wins as Cellphone Company With Fastest Telephone Customer Service
Here’s the results of our week-long look into how long it takes humans at various cellphone companies to pick up the phone. Sprint was dead last and an old-school Nextel support line, first. Verizon and T-Mobile trailed not far behind.

Time to Human, Mobiles, Day 5
Only two more days to go in this week’s look at how long it takes a human at various mobile phone companies to pick up.

Time to Human, Mobiles, Day 4
Today’s results in our week long trial to see how long it takes mobile phone carrier’s humans to pick up on the customer service line.

Time to Human, Cell Phone Companies Day 3
All the mobile phone carriers performed very well today.

How Long to Get a Human?
Here’s how long it’s taking to reach a human at various mobile phone carrier customer service lines today.

How Long Does it Take to Get a Human?
In the wake of purple ribbons, zombies and looking up words in the dictionary, we thought we might want to try something resembling journalism. To that end, we’ve started the Time to Human project.

Phone Calls In India Lead To Horrific Death
Shades of Ringu! A mysterious rash of mobile phone calls from 14 digit numbers in Eastern India have the mobile-bearing populace panicked. Upon receiving a call from a caller who is rumored to be Satan himself, those who answer are finding themselves ill. Eyes-bleeding, vomiting up spaghetti-like entrails, their symptoms soon lead to sweet and merciful death, the hell to which they’re sent seeming like heaven compared to what has come before.
Consumerist Advice Needed: American Cell Phone Plans
John Brownlee here, yet again slipping out of The Consumerist royal ‘we’ to the chagrin of that credit-garnering overlord, Joel Johnson.