People tend to add suffixes like “-fest,” “-athon,” or “-palooza” to just about any event these days, but some of these promotional names are well established and protected by registered trademarks. Which is why a beloved Wisconsin music festival is taking seafood chain Red Lobster to court over its use of “Summerfest.” [More]

CFPB Launches Monthly Reports To Showcase Financial Difficulties In Specific Areas Of The U.S.
Have you ever wondered if people on the other side of the country run into the same difficulties dealing with financial institutions as you do? Well, wonder no more, as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau announced today that it will provide a peek into the overall state of consumer complaints in the U.S. and how individuals in certain areas deal with companies providing financial products and services through a new monthly series. First up: Milwaukee, WI, and debt collection. [More]

Pabst Brewing Company Returning To Milwaukee To Open Microbrewery
Pabst Brewing Co. beer will once brew its own beer in Milwaukee*, WI, though it won’t be churning out Pabst Blue Ribbon or Schlitz like in the good old days. Instead, the company says it will open a microbrewery at the site of the historic brewery, complete with a tasting room and restaurant. [More]

Hey Look, Someone’s Already Made Beer Out Of Sewage Water
Yesterday we told you about an Oregon water treatment company asking permission from the state to let them demonstrate the potability of their end-product by allowing brewers to use their cleaned-up, recycled water in the making of beer. But it looks like one homebrew enthusiast (and wastewater engineer) in Wisconsin is already doing just that. [More]

Welcome To Wisconsin: Where The Streets Are Literally Flowing With Cheese
As if you needed any more reason to visit Wisconsin (Home of Harley Davidson! Beer! Free snow every winter! People say “please” and “thank you”!), Milwaukee’ Department of Public Works is embarking on a pilot program this winter to figure out if cheese brine can be added to rock salt and applied to the streets. The one problem with this plan? The brine apparently has a distinctive odor. My guess is limburger. [Milwaukee Journal Sentinel] [More]

Whole Foods Apologizes After Guard Says Autistic Customer Belongs On A Leash
When a Milwaukee woman attempted to apologize and pay for some food that her autistic brother had eaten without paying for, she might have expected to be given a hard time. But we’re pretty sure she wasn’t expecting to be told her brother belongs on a leash. [More]

Residents Of Milwaukee Suburb Told To Boil Bacteria-Plagued Water
Those who live in 14,000-strong Greendale, Wis. have to make like campers sustaining themselves from a creek and boil all their water until further notice. The town’s officials said in a statement that coliform bacteria were found in the water supply last week, and the tap water is no longer good for drinking, making ice, brushing teeth or washing hands. [More]

No Charges For Woman Who Bumped 100-Year-Old Walmart Greeter
Last week, we told you about the woman in Milwaukee who was arrested after an argument with a 100-year-old Walmart greeter ended with the centenarian being sent to the hospital. Earlier today, the city’s district attorney said it will not be filing charges. [More]

Neighborhoods Propose Printing Their Own Currency To Encourage Local Shopping
Two neighborhoods in Milwaukee are considering printing their own currency, which could be bought with U.S. dollars, but would be only accepted at local businesses, in order to encourage people to shop at home instead of Walmart.

All Airports Should Have A Recombobulation Area Like The One In Milwaukee
Today is a travel day for millions of Americans, so we thought we’d focus on the positive. Here’s a good idea that needs to catch on. Milwaukee’s Mitchell International Airport has a sign after their TSA check point that reads “Recombobulation Area.”

82-Year-Old Woman Sues Chase To Recover Life Savings
Chase is refusing to honor a cashiers check for $19.700.22, 82-year-old widow Willie Floyd’s life savings. Willie stored the check, originally drawn by her late-husband in 1985, in a $10 per year safe deposit box at the local bank. When she tried to shift the funds into a regular savings account last year, she was told that the check expired after five years, and that her life savings now belonged to the state.