I don’t know what you picture when you heard the word “millennial,” but me, I just imagine a crowd of companies and brands trailing behind someone, begging them to buy whatever it is they’re selling. One product that doesn’t need to chase the younger set is coffee, demand for which is expected to reach a record high in this country. [More]

Lawmaker Wants FDA To Look Into Safety Of Caffeinated Peanut Butter
It was only a matter of time: as regulators keep an eye keenly focused on how powders, boozy energy drinks and other products that contain caffeine are marketed, one lawmaker is pushing the Food and Drug Administration to look closely at a newcomer, caffeinated peanut butter. [More]

Caffeinated Peanut Butter Now Exists Because Time Is Precious
If you have a tough time making it through lunch because your morning cup of coffee just isn’t enough, one Massachusetts company says it has the perfect product — caffeinated peanut butter that packs a punch equal to a cup of coffee in just one tablespoon. No more sleeping through that PB&J. [More]

Study Says Ancient North American Civilizations Shared Our Devotion To Caffeine
If this were a celebrity weekly the above headline would read, “Ancient Civilizations — They’re Just Like Us!” But it’s not, so let’s just say that maybe getting out of bed wasn’t so easy without beverages that pack a caffeinated kick even thousands of years ago. [More]

Following Deaths, FDA Warns Makers Of Powdered Caffeine That Their Products Are Dangerous
Last summer, two young adults died after ingesting powdered caffeine, leading the Food and Drug Administration to warn consumers of the potential hazards of the popular stimulant while public health advocates called for a ban on the powdered product. Now the FDA is taking things to the next level and warning caffeine manufacturers that their products are “dangerous and present a significant or unreasonable risk of illness or injury.” [More]

Father Of Teen Poisoned By Caffeine Powder Files Lawsuit Blaming His Death On Supplement Makers, Amazon
The father of an Ohio teen who died in 2014 after ingesting a powdered caffeine marketed as a dietary supplement has filed a lawsuit against Amazon.com and the product’s distributors, claiming that they failed to provide proper warnings about the dangers of using the substance. [More]

FTC: You Cannot Lose Weight By Wearing Caffeinated Underpants
Infusing ladies’ undergarments with caffeine does not make them weight loss aids, as it turns out. This news may not come as a surprise to most of us, but two companies were trying to sell just such a product with the claim that it would indeed have a slimming effect. The not-so-magical underwear has made one thing significantly smaller, though: the bank accounts of the two companies in question, which have reached a $1.5 million settlement with the Federal Trade Commission. [More]

The FDA Asks That You Please Not Ingest Pure Powdered Caffeine
People have been drinking caffeinated beverages for centuries, and popping caffeine pills for decades, and the Food and Drug Administration currently puts no hard limit on caffeine content in food. But the recent death of an Ohio teen who ingested the pure powdered form of caffeine has the FDA warning consumers against the incredibly potent stimulant. [More]

Forget Energy Drinks — New Study Says Kids Are Downing More Coffee Than Before
While the media and health officials have been keeping a beady eye fixed on energy drink consumption in young people, it seems a dark horse is riding toward the front of the caffeinated pack: that old stand-by, coffee. A new study says teens get a lot more caffeine from coffee drinks than they had in the past. [More]

Study: All Those Special Ingredients In Energy Drinks Don’t Do A Darn Tootin’ Thing
You’re sleepy, you’re drooping, you need something to perk you up and make you pay attention. Oh look, there’s an energy drink touting a long list of “special” ingredients — that must be the magic answer? Well, not really, says one study: Even though energy drink makers might brag about awakeamine, dontfallasleepaurite or other “special” proprietary concoctions designed to keep you peppy, energy drinks don’t work any better than ordinary caffeine at helping people pay attention. [More]

Wrigley Gets Jitters About Caffeinated Gum, Pulls It From Market For Now
Two months after unveiling its Alert Energy caffeinated gum, and shortly after the Food and Drug Administration announced an investigation into products with additional caffeine, the folks at Wrigley have decided to pull the gum from store shelves, for now. [More]

Wrigley’s Wants You To Get Your Caffeine Boost From Gum Instead Of Boring Old Coffee
So there you are at the breakfast table, sipping some coffee or perhaps tossing back a few caffeinated Cracker Jacks and it’s like, “Ugh. This is so boring but I need caffeine or I will positively die right here from exhaustion!” Wrigley’s thinks it’s got the solution for you, and true to the company tradition, it’s in a chewable form: caffeinated gum, anyone? [More]

Monster Says There’s No Proof Caffeine Killed Teen Girl
Last year, a woman in Maryland sued Monster Beverage, alleging that the energy drink caused her 14-year-old daughter to die of caffeine toxicity. However, the Monster folks claim this allegation can’t be proven because the medical examiner did not test the teen’s blood. [More]

We Never Knew The World Needed Caffeinated Cracker Jacks, But Here They Come
If you’re the kind of person who hates wrapping your hands around a warm cup of invigorating coffee to get your daily dose of caffeine, how about tossing some caffeinated sugary caramel popcorn down your gullet? Frito-Lay is taking its beloved Cracker Jack brand and actually jacking it up with Cracker Jack’d, including two varieties called Power Bites that contain coffee. [More]

FDA Incident Reports Link Monster Energy Drink To Five Deaths
Last week, a mother in Maryland sued the makers of caffeine-heavy Monster Energy drink, alleging that the beverage was not only behind the death of her teen daughter, but that the company knew of possible health risks and failed to warn consumers. [More]

Gevalia Decides 23 Years Is Long Enough, Cuts Off Customer's Caffeine
Ken loves coffee from Gevalia, He has been an auto-ship customer of Gevalia since 1989. That means that they send him two pounds of coffee every month, and he sends them money. If it were possible to bottle that kind of customer loyalty, it would sell even better than the finest coffees. But Gevalia’s new corporate overlords, Kraft, don’t want to bottle his loyalty. They don’t even want him as a customer anymore. His account has been put on hold. No coffee for Ken. And no one knows why. [More]
The FDA Wants To Make Sure Inhalable Caffeine Canisters Are Safe Before You Huff
We already make jokes about being so addicted to caffeine we need a constant IV drip in order to function, so now that a company is making an inhalable form of the beloved substance, the Food and Drug Administration is preparing to check into things just to make sure it’s safe for consumers to go huffing away at it. [More]