
Starbucks Okays The Ghetto Latte

Starbucks Okays The Ghetto Latte

Is that doofus hipster turd playing the barista giving you the evil eye over the Starbucks counter as you make your ghetto latte? Has he actually had the nerve to wander over to you and icily inform you that the milk at the condiment bar is not meant to help offset an extra dollar surcharge levied by his corporate masters on your coffee flavored drink?

Toys R Us Hates Your Boobies

A Brooklyn mom is threatening a “nurse-in” at the flagship Times Square Toys R Us store after being given the run-around by “security” while publicly breastfeeding her oh-so-stylishly coiffed baby, Mason, seen here.

Starbucks Baristas Outraged That Customers Have Wised Up

Starbuck’s smug distributors of sweet, caffeinated crude have pulled their panties clear over their head in one outraged jerk after their customers have learned to save a couple pucks on an iced espresso.


• This guy was way ahead on the milk is especially fantastic bandwagon. [Bunnyspatial]

Milk is Fucking Awesome

At least, that’s what reviewers are saying. Currently, over three-hundred people have reviewed “milk.”

New Oblong Oreos Made For Dunking

New Oblong Oreos Made For Dunking

When I was a lad in the early 90’s, my friends and I were in perpetual fear of turning gay. We’d been told by many authority figures that one could somehow wake up and realize that they were gay, and so an elaborate system of early warning signs was passed into junior high dogma. For example, if you preferred to wear your watch on your right wrist, you were probably turning gay. The way you crossed your legs was also a signal of imminent homo-eroticism: the proper method was to balance one ankle on the opposing knee, giving proper breathing room to your elephantine testicular sack.

The Suck Site Review:

The Suck Site Review:

We don’t know who is trying to dissuade with its, “Got Pus?” page—pus, like milk, is creamy, sweet, and delicious. The PETA-backed website does a lot better when it describes the dangers of bovine growth hormone and ‘mastitis,’ a swelling of a milk cow’s sexy udders. (Science Note: ‘Mastitis’ as a term for ‘massive tit disease’ is just shy of brilliant.)